It has been another lovely month in school with lots of fantastic learning opportunities. The children have been taking part in curriculum learning linked to 'Regent Farm Respects'. They have been learning about other cultures, religions and thinking about how we can show respect to other people. The older children in school have been doing some work on equality and race.
We are all beginning to feel very festive and looking forward to sharing some special events with you - a reminder of the dates for decorations day and all the Christmas performances can be found at the end of the Newsletter.
In this Issue
Kindness Advent Calendar
In assembly this week we have been talking about advent across the world and what children look forward to through the month of December. We have spent some time introducing the children to a Kindness Advent calendar to try and help them understand that sometimes it is the smallest gestures which can make the biggest difference. We will be displaying this in all our classrooms through the month of December and have asked the children if they can complete any of these things, or other random acts of kindness, at home. Please find a copy of this calendar below; we will also share it in the letters section of our school website.
Feeding Families
We are all aware how expensive this time of year can be; Feeding Families and Clennell Educations Solutions have teamed up this year to support families at Christmas. Feeding Families is a charity based in North East England that offers support, hope and security to those experiencing food poverty. If you feel you might need an emergency food box over the festive season please get in touch with our Family Support Advisor on 07415 404841 who can help sort one for you. This is a completely confidential service and we'd encourage you to reach out if it might help.
Free School Meal Vouchers
Can we also remind you that children who have applied for free school meals will get a £30 voucher per child to support their food shopping over the school holidays. If you think you may be eligible please use the link below and you will get a very quick answer. We will then be able to issue you a voucher before the Christmas break.
Reception Applications
Reception September 2024 - The application process has opened for children who wish to join our reception classes next year. Applications cannot be made directly to school, but must go to through Newcastle City Council using the weblink below. The deadline for application is 15th January 2024. We still have a number of children in our nursery who have not applied yet, if you need any help with your application please speak to a member of staff.
Important Messages
- Cold Weather The weather has certainly got colder recently. Please ensure children come to school with coats, hats, gloves etc and these are clearly named. Can we also remind you to take care on the paths and yard if we have ice or snow, Mr Laidler will clear a path, but the ground will remain slippery.
- Parking We have an increasing number of parents who are parking on the zig zags at the front of school. This area must remain clear, please do not park or pull in to drop your child off; all children must be accompanied in to school by an adult to ensure they arrive safely. The car park at the back of school should also not be used by parents in the morning, even if you are dropping off late to school.
- Trainers Some children are attending school everyday in multi-coloured sports trainers: these are not part of the school uniform. Please ensure children are wearing black shoes.
Curriculum Information
This half term, the children in Early Years have been learning all about night and day. Nursery are enjoying being our twinkling stars and their work started with a visit to the real life pumpkin patch which had been set up on the field. They have been visited by owls to help bring to life the book, Owl Babies, to life. Currently the children are learning all about Christmas traditions and how to ‘Pick a Pine Tree’. Reception began exploring the night sky when the night pirates invaded, hoping for some children to join their band. These were no ordinary pirates, these were rough, tough, little girl pirates eager to steal treasure and have night time adventures! This week both our Nursery and Reception classes have been to visit the Planetarium; a giant inflatable bubble the children can climb inside! Our astronomer guide helps the children identify the constellations and planets. It really is a magical experience to explore the change of the seasons and welcome in the festive period.
This half term, Year 1 are looking to answer the question, 'Do I understand you?' Through their different books of the week they are exploring different celebrations as well as how people’s views and opinions matter. They are enjoying learning about the History behind bonfire night and have had some fantastic debates on the roles Guy Fawkes and King James I played in the events of that November night. Year 2 are jetting off to Shanghai, comparing what life is like there compared to Newcastle. After comparing, schools, the river and buildings the children will answer the question, 'Would you prefer to live in Newcastle or Shanghai?'
At the moment Key Stage 2 are focused on our ‘Regent Farm Respects topic’ and the children are learning about different religions through stories, artefacts and visits to places of worship. In Year 3, the children have been using the story of Rama and Sita as a stimulus in their writing and they've created their own wonderful stories. In Year 4, the children have been looking at the lives of inspirational figures such as Walter Tull. They have been finding out about who they were and what they did that was so inspirational.
The children across school thoroughly enjoyed our author visit from Vashti Hardy and it was an absolute delight to have her in school to deliver workshops with our classes. We can't wait to begin our English work next week on her book ‘Santa’s Marvellous Mechanical Workshop!’
Scientist of the Month
Finally, a huge congratulations to Nishita in Y4 for becoming the scientist of the month. She has been given this award for her knowledge on the states of matter and for working well as a team when planning an investigation.
School Council
This half term Regent Farm held a whole school election day where each class took part in a secret ballot. Children had the opportunity to talk to their class about why they thought they would make a good school councillor. Congratulations to the successful children who received their badge in a school assembly.
Dates for Half Term
- Week commencing 4th December Whole School Christmas Book Week
- Tuesday 5th December - Year 3 Hindu Temple Visit
- Wednesday 6th December - Nursery Christmas Performance at 2:30pm
- Friday 8th December - Year 4 visit to Laing Art Gallery
- Tuesday 12th December - Reception and Year 1 Christmas Performance 9:15am – show for parents from Miss Morgan/Miss Blanden’s Class (each child will be allocated 2 tickets)
- Tuesday 12th December - Reception and Year 1 Christmas Performance 2:30pm – show for parents from Miss Shaw’s Class (each child will be allocated 2 tickets)
- Wednesday 13th December - Reception and Year 1 Christmas Performance 9:15am – show for parents from Miss Elsender’s Class (each child will be allocated 2 tickets)
- Wednesday 13th December - Reception and Year 1 Christmas Performance 2:30pm – show for parents from Miss Drury’s Class (each child will be allocated 2 tickets)
- Thursday 14th December - Year 2 Carols around the tree 2:45pm
- Friday 15th December - Year 3 Carols around the tree 2:45pm
- Monday 18th December - Year 4 Carols around the tree 2:45pm
- Tuesday 19th December - Christmas Jumper Day and Decorations Morning and Christmas Lunch
- Wednesday 20th December - Christmas Fayre 3:30pm
- Friday 22nd December - Christmas Movie Day and children break up for Christmas