
KC News Round Up Friday 8th September 2023

Welcome back!

We were delighted to welcome back all of our students this week and in particular all our new joiners, especially those into Year 7 and the Lower Sixth starting their Kent College journey. It was wonderful to see all of our spaces filled with the sounds of laughter and chatting again! As Miss Handford said in her welcome talk, "it is going to be a great year." We can't wait to see what it has in store!

Welcoming our Boarders

It was also fantastic to welcome our boarders back into school this week. They celebrated being back with a water pistol fight on the Astro, which was a great way to cool off!

Independent School Inspection Report

As many of you will remember, we were visited by the Independent School Inspectorate towards the end of last term. We have now received their report and are delighted to announce that we received a "Double Excellent," which is the highest possible grading. This means the school was found to be ‘excellent’ in both Academic Achievement and Personal Development, as well as being fully compliant with the Independent Schools Standards, including the National Minimum Standards for Boarding and the Early Years Foundation Stage.

We are so proud of our staff and students who contributed to this amazing achievement. To read the full report, please click here.

A Level Results

Congratulations to our former Upper Sixth who celebrated a successful set of A Level and BTEC results this summer.

Two thirds of all grades were A*-B with 50% of grades A*-A in Creative subjects (Art, Photography, Textiles and Drama), 50% A*-A in Physics and Chemistry and 50% of grades A*-A in Humanities. In Modern Foreign Languages (French, Spanish and Chinese) 100% of grades were A*-B. In PE BTEC, 100% of the grades were at Distinction or above.

These excellent results demonstrate the range of interests, passions and talents which KC pupils possess. We’re proud that 80% of pupils have secured their first choice university offer and 97% of students received their first or second choice.

GCSE Results

Equally, huge congratulations go to KC students who excelled in their GCSEs this summer as well with 40% of pupils achieving level 7 and above in all their subjects and one in ten pupils achieving straight 8s and 9s. Overall, 35% of grades are at the top levels of 8 and 9.

These top grades have been awarded in a breadth of subjects with over 20% of grades at level 9 in English, Food Technology, Geography, History, Music, PE and Spanish. Over 50% of grades are level 7 and above in additional subjects including Art, Dance, French, German, Latin, Textiles and Further Maths.

Swimming Pool

In very exciting news, the swimming pool is finished and lessons for our students will begin, delivered by our partners, RTW Monson Swim Club, during the week commencing 18th September. Students will be able to see the pool in their Sport & Wellbeing lessons from Monday 11th September.


We would like to invite Senior School families along to see the pool on Friday 15th September from 3.30pm to 4.30pm. Refreshments will be served on the lawn (weather permitting) and small groups of visitors at a time will be taken to go and have a look inside. Please could you let us know by completing the booking form below if you would like to attend.

Work around the site

The Estates team have been busy over the summer break including a full rewiring of Knowle, repainting Tilley, and panelling, painting and carpeting the entrance hall including a makeover for the unisex toilet. The road in North Drive has also been repaired and, very excitingly, one of the classrooms in Undercroft has been transformed into a new Film Studies suite.

You may also notice new visitor sign in machines in both the Senior School and Prep receptions to replace the signing in books.

Summer Success Stories


Our sporting superstars have been breaking records, medalling in tournaments and competitions and smashing PBs all summer! Here are just some of their many fantastic achievements!

  • Matilda in the Lower Sixth represented England U18 in the high jump in the Welsh International and came second, winning the silver medal.
  • Seren in Year 7 won gold in the javelin and silver in the shot put in the National Youth Athletics League finals in the U13 levels - this puts her in the top 7 UK ranking.
  • In the same competition, Sienna in Year 8 won gold in the U13 1200m and took 13 seconds off her previous PB.
  • Amber in Year 11 reached the finals of the 800m at the U17 National finals in Birmingham. She also broke 5 club records and her 400m and Mile times have top 5 UK rankings for U17.
  • Jess in Year 8 represented Great Britain in the U13 fast pitch softball team travelling to Croatia and Italy. She scored her team's only run in the bronze medal play off match in the European Championships.
  • Caitlyn in Year 11 swam in the English Swimming Championships in the 50m, 100m and 200m backstroke races reaching the final for all of them!


Congratulations to Genevieve in Year 10 who took part in a residential Summer Singing School in Birmingham as part of the inspirational National Children's Choir of Great Britain. At the end of the week the NCCGB gave a concert at Birmingham Town Hall, where Genevieve was presented with the Chorister of the Course award for the Blue Choir.

The Wellbeing Hub

To enhance and support our pastoral care and help us build on what we are already doing we are delighted to offer The Wellbeing Hub, an interactive website that all pupils, parents and staff have access to for wellbeing support. It includes parenting tips, webinars, staff CPD, resources, and lots of information. it is BSA accredited and is being used by top schools. A link to their website can be found here.

KCPA Request for Members

The KCPA are looking for new volunteers to join them in the fantastic work they do raising money for the school. If you have any time to spare and would like to get involved, please contact Olivia Maddison on olivia.maddison@gmail.com.

Date for your Diary

Our next Senior School Open Morning is on Saturday 7th October from 9am to 12.30pm. If you know anyone who might be interested in joining KC in Year 7 in September 2024 or 2025, please do pass the details on. For bookings, email admissions@kentcollege.kent.sch.uk.

Additionally please note, this is a compulsory event for all pupils to attend. Our pupils are the best ambassadors for the school and can really showcase all the great things about KC.

Coronation Wildflower Bed

The wildflower seeds planted by pupils to mark the coronation of King Charles III are still flowering and full of bees!

Have a lovely weekend!