
NLPS News Thursday, August 31, 2023

Success for All!

Revitalizing School & Work Sites

This summer our Facilities Staff were busy with several products in preparation for the 2023-2024 start up. A special thank you to the crew for taking such pride in their work. Here's a sneak peek at a few of the projects - siding, painting, building gender-neutral washrooms.

Regular Board Meeting

At the Regular Board Meeting on Wednesday, August 30, 2023, the Board received information about the Financial Year End - Preliminary Surplus Allocation and approved the Policy Committee Work Plan for 2023-2024. View the entire agenda here.

Vancouver Island Symphony Noteworthy Kids Sing!

The Vancouver Island Symphony (VIS) Noteworthy Kids Choir, led by Choir Director Patricia Plumley, is the perfect choir for children aged 7 through 12 years. No experience or audition is required. Children can learn different styles of music, learn about the instruments of the orchestra and sing with their friends.

Participants will get a free choir t-shirt and perform onstage with legendary Rick Scott and the VIS on January 27, 2024. You can register online or by phone 250 754-0177.

Meet your caretakers

Caretakers are an integral part of the school team. They ensure schools are in the best condition possible for students and staff. We asked a few recently about their positions and favourite memories. Do you know someone that might be interested in a caretaker position? Share these stories.

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