
Adobe JELA 3 Newsletter August 2023

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August 2023 Adobe JELA Newsletter

The Adobe JELA 3 Newsletter contains updates from Emergent, Carahsoft and Adobe related to Adobe products and the DISA Adobe JELA contract for the Department of Defense. Interested in receiving future newsletters and event announcements directly or have content recommendations? Email us at jela@adobe.com.

Program Updates * Product Updates * Upcoming Events / Webinars *

Use Case * Tech Corner * Resource Links

Program Updates

Current period of performance is September 30, 2022 - September 29, 2023.

Renewal Planning:

  • Please contact Emergent for any questions regarding your JELA License Renewal Quote jela@emergent360.com

Procurement Questions:

Carahsoft, Adobe and Emergent are pleased to receive requests from JELA enrollees to coordinate standing sync-ups! Please feel free to email jela@adobe.com if you would like to coordinate with our team.


Product Updates

SEWP Catalog Updates: (Emergent)

  • CLINS 0034 – 0039 are now live on the SEWP Catalog for purchase.
  • Email JELA@Emergent360.com to schedule a discovery call.

Join us October 10-12, 2023 for Adobe MAX - The Creativity Conference

Inspiration everywhere. Explore and play with new creative tools, meet other passionate creatives, and be inspired at every turn. Join us in person or online.

The New Captivate v 12 (Project Charm) is now LIVE and available in your Admin Console

  • Adobe will offer access to both N & N-1 versions (Project Charm & Captivate 2019) from the same subscription license.
  • Captivate 2019 will be supported through 2026 for core support!

End of Support Notifications:

  • Users are encouraged to begin migration to CC23, CC22 will end support in October/November 2023
  • ColdFusion & ColdFusion Builder 2018 end of support July 13, 2023
  • RoboHelp 2019 end of core support August 22, 2024
  • Adobe Products and Technical Support Periods outside of Creative Cloud available here
  • Adobe Stock: All Creative Cloud users on JELA have access to unlimited Standard Adobe Stock Assets. Check out the following page to learn how to provision FRL Creative Cloud Users with an Adobe Stock license. Learn more


Upcoming Events & Webinars

Upcoming Events: (Marketing)

On-Demand Meetings and Webinars:

Previously shared webinar links


Future of Digital Work Enterprise insights:

Productivity is a shared responsibility rooted in tech

Enterprises have undergone historic changes over the past three years, not the least of which is the shift toward hybrid work. According to our newest cut of “The Future of Digital Work” global research which surveyed over 4500 enterprise senior leaders and employees across the US, UK, Australia, India, and Japan, most of the global workforce (61 percent) is not back in the office full-time, with 45 percent adopting a hybrid schedule. Hybrid work isn’t without its challenges, and opportunities to ensure success will depend on how enterprises tackle productivity. The research reports that nearly a third (30 percent) of workers say that hybrid work is still negatively impacting their productivity.

Defining productivity in the enterprise

It’s helpful to begin with understanding what productivity means to enterprise leaders and workers. According to the research, the attribute that employees (47 percent) and enterprise leaders (40 percent) associate most with productivity is doing work that’s more impactful, rather than solely working faster, doing more work, doing more with less, or generating income.

Now more than ever, external factors are impacting productivity. A significant majority (72 percent) of enterprise leaders acknowledge that economic pressures and civil unrest are hurting productivity at work. Their employees reported top concerns as: #1 the high cost of living, #2 the possibility of inflations, and #3 wage disparity. In the US in particular, workers are most concerned about the possibility of a recession with more than 2/3 (67 percent) saying it’s impacting their productivity at work.

Technology is the problem and the opportunity

While companies can’t do much to impact how external factors are hurting employee productivity, they can do a lot more to provide them with the right technologies to give employees a competitive edge.

A near-unanimous number of employees (87 percent) and tech leaders (89 percent) acknowledge that poor technologies are hurting the company’s productivity with more than half of tech leaders (58 percent) going as far as to say that poor tech is ‘killing’ their company’s productivity and costing them between 2 to four hours a day in lost productivity. Employees are similarly exasperated with more than 1/3 (35 percent) of employees wanting to scrap their work tech altogether.

The impact of poor technology goes beyond lost productivity as well. Technology leaders estimate that nearly a quarter (24 percent) of their company’s employees are considering quitting in the next six months due to poor work technology.

So, what can companies do with technology to boost productivity? According to the research, automation, artificial intelligence, and interestingly, digital documents are areas that companies should invest in.

Artificial intelligence and automation are seen as having an almost universally positive impact on work. A near-unanimous number of workers (92 percent) reported that AI technology is having a positive impact — with more than a quarter (26 percent) going as far as to call it a ‘miracle.’ They reported the top productivity gains of AI as #1 saving time (67 percent), #2 helping employees work faster (61 percent), and #3 reducing or eliminating boring or tedious work (45 percent). Nearly half (41 percent) of workers who use AI reported that “AI has completely changed how I work for the better.”

In an era where video and collaboration tools seem to dominate enterprise work, digital documents are still seen as work critical — in fact the most critical. Global workers in the survey ranked digital documents like PDFs that can be created, edited, reviewed, and collaborated on in Adobe Acrobat as the #1 technology they ‘can’t live without,’ above video conferencing tools like Zoom and Microsoft Teams (#2), and messaging tools like Slack (#3). Despite the importance of digital documents among workers, most (60 percent) technology leaders say at least half of their company’s work is still paper based, with about 1/3 of workers reporting that paper-based work — like managing a mix of digital and paper documents (35 percent), collaborating using paper documents (33 percent), and printing paper documents (29 percent) is hurting their productivity.

Productivity is a shared responsibility

The research suggests that employees are deeply invested in helping their companies support them with the right technologies — they seem themselves as part of the solution. In fact, over half (60 percent) of employees reported that productivity at work is primarily their responsibility, with technology leaders and their managers playing supporting roles. When technology is hurting their productivity, employees will take action, including: 1) Look for better solutions and recommend them to their employers and 2) Encourage their organizations to invest in better technologies.

It’s incumbent on leadership to take notice because great tech attracts great talent. A nearly unanimous percentage (94 percent) of employees report that work technology is a factor in whether or not they’ll accept a role at a new company, with 67 percent saying it’s either a “top consider” or “absolutely critical.”

Improving hybrid work productivity is clearly a shared responsibility among enterprise leadership and workers. Digital transformation is at the center of that shared responsibility. Poor technology can inhibit growth, while investing in technological advances across AI, automation, and digital documents can help accelerate success inside the company and outside of it.


Tech Corner

2023 License Renewal Webinar Series Coming October 2nd, 3rd, and 4th!

To help prepare you for what to expect after the renewal in September, your Adobe Digital Media Technical Account Managers, Named Support Engineers, and Carahsoft Technical Support team will be conducting our annual Technical Webinar series (October 2nd from 11-1230 EST, and October 3rd & 4th from 11-12 EST).

This will be geared towards anyone involved with deployment, installation, troubleshooting and Admin Console management. The sessions will be provided in early October with followup sessions in November (SN Expiration) and January (FRL License File Renewals). Registration links will be sent to all Carahsoft Trusted Agents, and Adobe System & Support Admins the first week of September. If you have any questions please reach out to Rafa or Mallory at jelatech@adobe.com.

Sessions will include, but are not limited to:

  • Adobe Admin Portal Walkthrough
  • Software deployment - Named User License (NUL) and Feature Restricted License (FRL)
  • Carahsoft Portal walk-through
  • Common troubleshooting tips and tricks
  • Utilizing available Adobe Tools (Enterprise Tool Kit, Customization Wizard for Acrobat, Cleaner tool, etc.)

Admin Console Management since ESM Update

As a reminder, Adobe updated your Admin consoles on 8/2/2023 to our Enterprise Storage Management (ESM). If you have any questions about the new features, or existing Admin Console features, please reach out to your Digital Media Technical Account Managers (Rafa and Mallory) at jelatech@adobe.com.

Support Case Reviews

The Creative Cloud and Acrobat Named Support Engineers (Bruce Jividen and Everett Valdez) are available to conduct Case Reviews with each of the JELA Agencies. This is an opportunity for you to understand and discuss existing Creative Cloud and Acrobat cases and identify trends. To schedule your agencies case reviews, please reach out to jelatech@adobe.com.
