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Rotary Club Budapest-City August Newsletter 2023

Greetings, RCBC members and enthusiasts!

Welcome to the August edition of our monthly newsletter, where we bring you a roundup of all the exciting activities, events, and achievements that have kept our club buzzing with energy throughout the past month. From engaging meeting and thought-provoking discussions to creative showcases and community initiatives, Rotary club of Budapest City has been on a roll, fostering a vibrant environment for our members to learn, collaborate, and serve.

Invisible School Camp 2023

For the 2nd time RCBC helped organise the Invisible School Summer Camp!

Together with 15 other organisations, partners and companies we founded and helped the camp come together. 63 children joined the camp and enjoyed an amazing 5 days!

Through the camp there were exciting programs, great workshops, many different sports and a lot of fun!

This year we had the most diverse programs, we learnt how to play American football and professional frisbee, built bee hotels and sang in different languages, ate so many different types of melones that we didn't even know existed!:) And we learnt a lot about sustainability and agriculture with the help of our great partners!

The Summer Camp is the most important 5 days in the Invisible School's year, this is the only time when the students are together from 8 different homes and all are equal. They prepare for the school year, meet the mentors and get inspired to do more during their summer break!

I hope more of you can join us next year! This time we had the Rotaractors with us for days, they held programs and did a lot of help!

Just a note about who supported the camp:

BASF, LDS, RCBC, Rotaract D1911, Rotaract Club Budapest International, Rotaract Club Debrecen Főnix, Ronin Fight Academy, Amigos a Gyerekekért, Lego, Fornetti, DEAC FreeBees, Future of Debrecen, DEAC Gladiators, HAJDU Hajdúsági Ipari Zrt., Szuperzstár Mazsorett és Tánc Egyesület, Shoprenter, Transcosmos, Auchan

and many many many volunteers joined us through the week, it is a clear and great example how the community can come together and make something amazing!

Huge thanks and congratulations to our past president Kristóf Kovács for a successful project. Keep it going.

It was honestly the best camp so far, full of exciting activities and amazing people! - Kristóf Kovács

Generators Project 🇺🇦

Last month RCBC delegation Iulian Coman and Aswin Sivasubramaniam drove to Baia Mare (Romania) to hand over together with Rotary Cismigiu the generators to the Rotary Club of Baia Mare 2005.

We witnessed the big warehouse full of goods for our fellow Ukrainians that will be all loaded in a big truck and further sent for delivery.

Fellow Rotarians from Rotary Club Baia Mare 2005 organised, last month, a transport with 5 truckloads of aid for Ukraine (electrical generators, water pumps, food, water, clothes, shoes, equipment, products for children, hygiene products, etc.) where they were also joined by colleagues from Rotary Club Bucharest Cișmigiu, with the help of Rotary Club Budapest-City and the tireless from Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen / Wings of Help e.V.

Trucks with goods arrived in Uzhgorod, Kharkiv, Rakhiv, Dnipro and Chinadijevo, where they are most needed.

We thank our honorary member, Christian Mühlethaler and our friend, Ken Block, from Rotary Club Nashville-Berrien USA for their donations.

We witnessed a big warehouse full of goods for our fellow Ukrainians that will be loaded in a big truck and further sent for delivery. - Iulian Coman

More Highlights from July

On 1 July, we visited the lovely exhibition of Csontváry at the Museum of Fine Arts and celebrated the birthday of our dear club member, Ms Ildikó Cseh.

Our Club Member, Mr. Alastair Rudd, contributed medical kits to support Ukraine.

On 11 July 2023, we had an incredible speaker, Ms Becky Amble, a bestselling author from the USA and enjoyed a beautiful Indian serenade from our Rotarian visitors from Mumbai and exchanged flags during our dinner meeting.

On 17 July, we had a casual friendly meeting with a traveling Rotarian from Texas, USA, Mr. David Jessich, Assistant Governor Rotary District 5870.

Hearty thanks to our President Viktoria for welcoming fellow Indian Rotarian from Rotary club of Tiruppur District. 3203 and showed and explained about the Ukraine school project.

Here are some picture of Highlights from July and flag exchanges.

Enjoy Rotary! See you in the next meeting!

Our next meetings:

13 August: Visit of National Gallery

15 August: Meet and Greet Meeting with special guest from the US

1 September: Academic year start for our Ukrainian School

Get in touch with us

Ms. Viktoria Vita Griessmüller, President

Dr. Tamás Réti, secretary