
The Eagle Weekly 8/27/23

August 27, 2023

MSE Character Pillars - the 4 R's

This year at MSE we are very excited to introduce our new Character Pillars that will drive all that we do with students during their time here at MSE. These 4 traits, known collectively as the 4 R's, will be the common language we use in the classroom, working with students, and learning. We will have weekly Character Education lessons that draw on topics related to one of the Rs. At East, we are all about Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, and Relationships. As we introduce these new character traits, we are excited to witness the positive impact they will have on our students' personal growth, academic achievement, and future success.

Welcome Week! 9/5-9/8

The first week of school will look a little different this year! We are planning to welcome students back and get them excited to be a part of MSE! We have a week full of activities planned that will help build and strengthen the MSE community and build those connections with students and staff for the year ahead. Take a look at the outline below of what we will be doing the first week of school!

Welcome New Teachers!

Over the summer we were blessed to add three terrific staff members to our already stellar team here at MSE! Please join us in welcoming the newest additions to our teaching team and East Community make sure to say "hello" when you see them this year!

Education Benefit Form

This year, LCPS is excited to offer 1 free breakfast and 1 free lunch to all students starting this school year thanks to the Michigan School Meals Program! Even though the meals will be provided to students who want them, it is very important for families to fill out the Education Benefit Form in order for MSE to receive full access to federal and state funding for education programs that our students are entitled to. This form helps determine the state funding we get which includes things like: Instructional supports (staff, supplies, materials), non-instructional services (like counseling, social work, health services, etc), professional learning for staff, parent and community engagement supplies and activities, and technology. It takes less than 5 minutes to fill out the form and LCPS is asking that every family complete, please help us out!

MSE Cell Phone Policy

This year at MSE we are making a change and our new cell phone policy will be in effect when we begin school. In your back to school packet was the "Cell Phone Policy" form for parents to read and it is required to be returned to MSE. This is the result of many conversations and input from members of the MSE Community including teachers, staff, students, and the results from the parent survey that was sent out in the spring. The common theme was that cell phones distract from the ultimate goal of student learning and academic growth. This school year cell phones are to be kept in a student's locker for the entire school day. The only exception would be if it's a part of the student's 504 plan or IEP or if it is being used for a specific activity in the classroom with teacher notice and approval. Students who bring a cell phone to class will have it taken away and sent to the office for pickup at the end of the day. On the second offense it will be held in the main office and must be picked up by a parent. We recognize this is a big change for students and parents, but we have seen the negative impact on learning that cell phones create. This will make a more focused learning environment for all students. Using feedback from the parent survey sent out this past spring, we know that parents want kids to learn first and foremost in school and this will help us get all the kids focused on learning and cut down on all the negative impacts cell phones can bring to the school.

School Pictures

Eagle Day

We are hosting "Eagle Day" on Monday August 28. Come to MSE anytime between 10:00am-3:00pm or 4:00pm-6:00pm. Come pick up your schedule, turn in important paperwork, get your picture taken and meet some of the staff!

2023 MSE Football

Football at MSE is open to any 7th or 8th grade student. If you are interested in playing, contact Mr. Dropps for more information!

Volleyball Tryouts!

Cross Country Club

Any students in grades 6-8 that enjoy running and would like to be a part of the Cross Country Running Club, practice will be at 5:15pm at MSE and we will meet at the front of the school. Practices will begin Monday August 28. You must have a physical prior to starting, stop by the Cross Country table at Eagle Day for more information!