
NLPS News Friday, September 22, 2023

Success for All!
Busy First Weeks of School

Visiting a few schools during the first few weeks provided some excellent images we are able to share. Some early events included a visit from the Minister of Education and Child Care Rachna Singh, visiting a school garden and seeing how students are progressing with the Hul'qumi'num language. There were also Terry Fox runs, students were actively building robots and using AutoCAD software were just a few of the events.

Meet the Team

Meet the Team continues with our Learning Alternatives Team. The team is now all together teaching and learning in one building, at the Learning Alternatives Satellite location (former Woodlands site).

1. Chad Jobe, Coordinator 2. Janet Brocklehurst, Secretary 3. Martin Pakosz, Teacher 4. Deb Tonn, Education Assistant 5. Shelley McIntyre, Education Assistant 6. Lee Thompson, Education Assistant 7. Marney Mackay, Education Assistant 8. Kathy Bennett, CYFSW 9. Karina Strong, Teacher 10. Teresa Al-Hajj, Counsellor 11. Clay Aitken, Teacher 12. Matt Kuzminski, Teacher 13. Val Masterman, ICSSW 14. Casey Graw, Teacher 15. Michelle Krall, CYFSW 16. Chad Northcott, Take a Hike Counsellor 17. Steve Holmberg, Teacher 18. Vicky Manhas, CYFSW 19. Kathi Clapoff, CYFSW 20. Brett Hancock, Principal 21. Troy Johnston, Teacher 22. Amelia Bieling, Teacher 23. Lacey Daly, Teacher 24. Elena Kemp, Coordinator 25. Emily Magyar, Coordinator 26. Trevor McIntyre, Coordinator 27. Breigh Huggins, Teacher 28. Olivia Densmore, Teacher 29. Cindy Armstrong, Teacher

Missing: Wendy Beaton, Chelsea McKaig, Adam Manson, Chad Chyplyk, and Elder Lolly Good.

Youth Drop-In Programs

This fall, the City of Nanaimo is hosting a youth drop-in program (Spare Blox) and with the partnership of BCG Central Vancouver Island, they are also hosting a youth lounge at the Nanaimo Aquatic Centre.

These events are free and available for a variety of age groups. Most programs require pre-registration; some are drop-in only.

Fall GoByBike Week

Fall GoByBike Weeks are coming up - October 16-29, 2023. Have you registered yet? In the spring of 2023, there was record-breaking participation. There was a 10% increase in participants, 32% increase in first-time participants and a 21% increase in kilometres logged and kilograms of greenhouse gases saved.

Rivers Day 2023 - Dance for the River

The City of Nanaimo's Parks and Recreation Department is hosting Rivers Day 2023 on Sunday, September 24 from 6:30-8:30pm. The event will be held at the Lower Picnic Shelter of Bowen Park. This eco-friendly celebration is a unique way to honour our precious rivers!

Practice & Process: Fuel Your Creativity from the inside out

Crimson Coast hosts a 3-day intensive residency workshop October 13-15 that will be divided into practice and creative process. Susanna Hood and Sarah Bild will guide participants through physical and sensory awakening of the body/mind.

Vocalists, actors , dancers and visual artists will benefit from this opportunity.

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