Welcome to our October Newsletter: the first half term has been wonderful in school with lots of fabulous events and learning. The children have all be taking part in our 'Global Warriors' topic and have learnt a lot - they've been teaching me some very interesting facts too!
In this issue:
Reach More Parents App
Many thanks to all those parents who have downloaded the new Reach More Parents App, and a huge thankyou for your patience last week if you experienced technical issues. This will be our preferred method of communication moving forward so if you have not yet accessed the App we would recommend doing so as soon as possible. If you have any issues getting set up, please pop into the school office and we will help you.
Parents' evening appointments can be booked using this App; they will remain live until 12pm on 8th November.
You will also find a calendar detailing the events for next half term including timings for the Christmas shows and events such as the Christmas Fayre and Decorations Day.
Harvest Collection
A huge thank you to everyone for the amazing donations for our Harvest Collection. The People's Kitchen were blown away by your generosity and it took three car journey's to drop everything off!
The children learnt some lovely songs to celebrate this event and our Year 4 children taught the rest of the school about the meaning of Harvest and importance of helping others.
Illness and School Absence
If your child is unwell and not able to attend school please telephone the office and leave a message on the answer phone before 8.55am so we can record their absence correctly.
Please leave the following information in your message:
- Your child’s name
- His/her class
- Reason for absence
If your child has had a stomach upset or sickness, it is important that you allow a period of at least 48 hours after the sickness or diarrhoea has finished before sending them back to school. Such action will help to prevent the infection spreading unnecessarily to others in the school.
We understand that there are times when it can be tricky to decide whether you keep your child off school if they appear unwell. We encourage children to come to school whenever possible, and fully appreciate there are times they may feel a little under the weather, for example with a cold. Please be reassured that if your child deteriorates in the day, and we feel they are too unwell to remain in school, we will contact you. We have also prepared a summary guide about the most common childhood illnesses, this will give you further information about whether your child can attend school or should remain at home.
School of Sanctuary
In the last newsletter, I told you the wonderful news that Regent Farm has been awarded as a School of Sanctuary. We want to live in a world where every child feels safe and respected, a world where cultural diversity is valued and celebrated. The children have taken part in a range of curriculum learning over the last year to increase their knowledge and understanding: we will be continuing this work moving forward.
Earlier this month some of our school council attended an award ceremony in Newcastle City Centre. The School of Sanctuary team have put together a video of this event, to commemorate all the schools who received this award. You can watch this video below.
School Council Elections
Next half term your child has the opportunity to apply for the position of a school council member. This is a very important position in school and involves attending meetings and making decisions about school life. School council members need to be confident, imaginative, thoughtful, kind and helpful: please talk about these qualities with your child. There will be a whole school election day on Thursday 9th November 2023 and each class will have a secret ballot.
If your child would like to be a school councillor, they should let their class teacher know during the week of the 6th November. Children will have the opportunity to talk to their class about why they think they would make a successful school councillor.
If your child is successful, they will receive their school council badge and begin their term of office.
- Year 4 football will be cancelled on 14th November and 21st November due to staff commitments, we apologise for any inconvenience.
- The slight change to our school day (which now begins at 8:40am) is following a request from the Department of Education that all children should receive 6.5 hours learning a day. Our school gates will close at 8:45am and we would appreciate your help ensuring your child is in school on time: any child who arrives after this time will be marked as late. A few parents have made unkind comments to staff members about this slight change to morning arrangements which is most unfair. If you are struggling to get to school for 8:40am, please come and speak to our Family Support Adviser who will happily offer some advice.
- To help ensure lessons can start on time, please do not have long conversations with staff on the yard in the morning. If you need to talk something through the end of the day, or a phone call, is often easier.
- Children are welcome to use the yard and sensory garden when they are waiting to come into school in the morning, but you should remain supervising your child at all times. They are not able to use the field or bushes to play in. Please also ensure they do not play with any of the learning equipment which may have been set up, especially in Early Years and Year 1.
Half Term Curriculum Information - Early Years
Nursery have spent their first half term chasing the bad guys from the traditional tales they have been reading. The poor Big Bad Wolf didn’t stand a chance when they built a jail and popped him in it, and when a beanstalk and giant footprints appeared in the classroom they knew straight away that they must belong to the Giant! The Nursery classroom has been filled with gingerbread from The Gingerbread Man, Porridge for Goldilocks and cookies for Grandma from Little Red Riding Hood but when the classroom was filled with sweets, nobody wanted to try one...it was Hansel and Gretel week! Three has been the number of the half term as there are three bears and three pigs in the stories, so Nursery have been hunting for threes, making threes, counting to three and drawing three wherever they can and as always in our Nursery, the learning has been mucky, messy and fun!
In Reception the superheroes arrived! Superheroes of all different kinds! After visits from real life heroes including nurses, supermarket workers and even the coastguard, Reception realised that superheroes were living amongst us, helping the people around them stay safe and well. They talked about ways they could help and what they would like to do for their job when they grew up. Lots of fun was had at superhero school after reading Eliot Jones Midnight Superhero. Reception spent time learning skills like “super strength”, “super speed” and “super flying” and were able to help out the callers who rang Superhero HQ in need of assistance. Finally, this half term they have been finding out about their own superpowers, learning that we all have them and that they are all different but equally special.
Half Termly Curriculum Information - Key Stage 1
Year 1 have been learning all about how plastic waste is affecting our planet. They have been looking at what we can do to protect our environment. The children have reduced, reused and recycled across all subject areas. They used cardboard waste to recreate the famous Angel of the North sculpture by Antony Gormley and, after spending time studying our local area in Geography, designed and made a sculpture for Wansbeck Road. The topic was concluded by a fantastic Environment Day, thinking about what we can do to protect Regent Farm’s environment; cleaning up litter and designing posters to persuade others to help our whole school community to protect it. What amazing eco warriors Year 1 are!
Year 2 have been thinking about animals and their habitats, how animals adapt to survive in the area in which they live and had a fantastic trip to Northumberland Zoo to meet different animals. They have also been exploring the impact of humans on different habitats and what we can do to help. Through the book 'The Unexpected Visitor' the children have explored the concept of overfishing and what they can do to prevent this. In art they have explored the use of animals in aboriginal art and the different techniques used. Visit Year 2 if you have any questions about animals, they are definitely experts!
Half Term Curriculum Information - Key Stage 2
Key Stage 2 have had a great half term. The whole school topic of ‘Global Warriors’ has included a range of activities in Year 3 and 4. Global Warriors challenges our children to think about the environment and gain a greater understanding of the world we live in and the problems we are currently facing.
Year 3 have explored the enquiry question ‘Is it too late to save our oceans?’ through discussions in class and by visiting St Mary’s Lighthouse. The children loved rock pooling and they showed curiosity as they learnt about the effects micro plastics are having on sea creatures. They showed determination as they climbed 137 steps up to the top of the lighthouse! The children were also particularly interested in the thought-provoking video ‘Catch a lot’ which enabled them to understand the consequences to our actions and how this impacts on the wider world. Using their art skills, Year 3 created a printed image to show the effects of coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef.
Year 4 began this term by thinking about their role in the world. They explored the enquiry question ‘How can our actions affect our planet?’ They found out about animals that have become endangered or extinct due to the actions of humans, and thought about what responsibility means. In English, they made information texts on their class animals of tigers and leopards, as well as persuasive letters to help them raise money to adopt their class animal. As part of their Science, the Year 4 showed lots of curiosity while investigating life in the local area with a visit to St Nicholas Nature Reserve Park as well as meeting some crazy creatures who visited our school!
Scientist of the Month
This month's scientist of the month is Max in year 4. He demonstrated great leadership and teamwork when he was working with his group to plan an enquiry all about animals that could be found in the local area. He related his own experiences to the task and had a wealth of knowledge about animals.
Dates for Next Half Term
- Friday 27th October - School Closed Teacher Training Day
- Monday 6th November - School reopens to pupils
- Monday 13th – Friday 17th November Parents’ Evening Appointments and Anti-Bullying Week
- Wednesday 15th November Children’s Photographer in School
- Friday 17th November Children in Need
- Tuesday 28th November Author Vashti Hardy visiting school
- Week commencing 4th December Whole School Christmas Book Week
- Wednesday 6th December 2:30pm - Nursery Christmas Show (children who usually only do half a day on a Wednesday are welcome to stay all day.)
- Tuesday 12th December 9:15am - Reception and Year 1 Christmas Performance – show for parents from Miss Morgan/Miss Blanden’s Class (each child will be allocated 2 tickets)
- Tuesday 12th December 2:30pm - Reception and Year 1 Christmas Performance – show for parents from Miss Shaw’s Class (each child will be allocated 2 tickets)
- Wednesday 13th December 9:15am Reception and Year 1 Christmas Performance – show for parents from Miss Elsender’s Class (each child will be allocated 2 tickets)
- Wednesday 13th December 2:30pm Reception and Year 1 Christmas Performance – show for parents from Miss Drury’s Class (each child will be allocated 2 tickets)
- Thursday 14th December 2:45pm Year 2 Carols around the tree
- Friday 15th December 2:45pm Year 3 Carols around the tree
- Monday 18th December 2:45pm Year 4 Carols around the tree
- Tuesday 19th December Christmas Jumper Day and Decorations Morning and Christmas Lunch
- Wednesday 20th December 3:30pm Christmas Fayre
- Friday 22nd December Christmas Movie Day and children break up for Christmas
If you need any further information about the detail of this newsletter, please don't hesitate to contact the school office.