
The mobility in Palermo and the Historical values OPE 23, ONLINE MAGAZINE "RIVERS" - ISSUE NR11

On the first day, the group was employed on a trip along the Oreto River to discover its natural/historical resources. A workshop on landscape values was applied during the visits to Ficuzza Park, where natural routs, archaeological sites and water springs give us the possibility to see beautiful landscapes and natural scenarious.

Selinunte was the second place visited, and also the Belice Oriented natural reserve, and the Selino river.


The Values of History

We believe that history - both knowledge of the past and the practice of researching and making sense of what happened in the past - is crucially important to the well being of individuals, communities, and the future of our nation. We call on organizations to endorse, share, and use the below statement on the value of history in contemporary life. With common agreement, commitment, and open conversation about why history is important, we believe the historical community can change the common perception that history is nice, but not essential.

Endorsing this statement in principle is an initial step. We encourage you to adapt and incorporate these ideas into projects, training materials, mission statements, websites, marketing materials, and other institutional outlets. The seven core values are not new, but we believe that their articulation with the intent to make real, measurable change across the profession and into public realms represents a fresh start for our discipline.

IDENTITY » History nurtures personal identity in an intercultural world. History enables people to discover their own place in the stories of their families, communities, and nation. They learn the stories of the many individuals and groups that have come before them and shaped the world in which they live. There are stories of freedom and equality, injustice and struggle, loss and achievement, and courage and triumph. Through these varied stories, they create systems of personal values that guide their approach to life and relationships with others.