This Week @ BHS July 21, 2024

This Week @BHS

  • Monday - Write a letter to your grandparents
  • Tuesday - Work on your summer assignments
  • Wednesday - Make homemade cookies
  • Thursday - Check out your classroom supply list
  • Friday - Help your parents with the yardwork
  • Saturday - Enjoy a long walk with friends

Tiger Families,

New items will be added to the newsletter during the month of July so it would be worth it to check it weekly. The next one emailed to you will be Sunday, July 28th. Click on the link below to see some of the new staff added to BHS. Make sure you give them a warm "Tiger Welcome"! Have a GREAT summer!

Alan Yanke - Beechwood High School Principal

Please contact the high school front office at 859-331-1220 if you have any questions.

6th - New Student (1 pm) and 7th Grade Orientation (6 pm)

14th - Student First Day of School

21st - Early Release / Faculty Work Session

26th - 30th - Extracurricular Rush Week & Student Council Elections

28th - Open House (6pm)

2nd - Labor Day - NO SCHOOL

27 - Homecoming Football Game v. Gallatin Co

30th - Fall Break

Beechwood Free/Reduced Lunch Program:

Hello Beechwood Families! If you are interested in applying for Free or Reduced Lunches for the 2024/2025 School year, please complete the form using the links below. ALL families, even if you were automatically approved in the past, will need to complete this form in order to qualify free or reduced lunches this school year.

¡Hola familias de Beechwood! Si está interesado en solicitar almuerzos gratuitos o reducidos para el año escolar 2024/2025, complete el formulario utilizando los enlaces a continuación. TODAS las familias, incluso si fueron aprobadas automáticamente en el pasado, deberán completar este formulario para calificar para almuerzos gratis o reducidos este año escolar.

Counseling / College Information

The Counselors will be available in person Tuesdays and Thursdays at the high school throughout the summer, excluding the dead period.

24-25 Student schedules are available on-line.

There is still ONE spot left to host, so if you are interested, please make sure to apply as soon as possible! You can visit their website ( for more information or fill out a host family application here! Feel free to email with any questions!

Class of 2025

Rising Seniors! Have you signed up for a College Application Workshop? Get help with starting College Apps, learn about Scholarships, and more! College App Workshops are free and hosted by the BHS Counselors! Contact Ms. Burgei if you have questions.

Class of 2026

See Junior College Planning Timeline below. Reach out to your student’s Counselor if you would like to discuss College Planning!

Click here for Torchprep Course details

View Your AP Scores

Your 2024 AP Exam Scores have been released.


Check that you can sign in to your College Board account.

This is the same account that you use to access My AP or other College Board resources.

Make sure we have your current email address. If you’ve changed your email address, update it in your account.

Don’t create a new account if you already have one.

Duplicate accounts can cause delays in getting your AP scores. Sign in with the same account you used to register and enroll in AP class sections.

Athletics Update

Sports Physicals for 24-25 Important Change

We are changing up the way we collect sports physicals. We will no longer be accepting hard copies of the physicals. Instead, athletes/families will be submitting them via the attached Google Form. Parents/athletes will fill out the form AND upload their current sports physical. This will be a more streamlined process and eliminates an unnecessary amount of paper collected each year. Please use this Beechwood Physical Link. If you have any questions, please contact

Proud Sponsor and Support of Beechwood Athletics

Construction Update:

New Skylight added

The New Entrpreneur Lab video has dropped. See more information by clicking on the link below.

When Beechwood opens its doors to the new auditorium, our performing arts students will be able to showcase their talents in front of more than 500 people at a time. As part of the Learning Reimagined capital campaign, you can name seats within the auditorium! Whether you want to honor current Beechwood students, recognize alumni, or display your family's names, this is your chance!

Seats are categorized into $300, $400, and $500 levels and can be purchased through this link:

We will follow up to ensure we have the correct name(s).

If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Layton at

*Naming seats does not guarantee that you have those seats reserved for any upcoming performances.

Thank you for your continued support of Beechwood students!

Beechwood Administration

SBDM Report

The next SBDM meeting: August, 2024 at 4:00 pm in the Fieldhouse Viewing Room.

July 10, 2024 SBDM meeting "unapproved minutes".

  • Good News:
  • The new SBDM council was together for the first time, members introduced themselves and shared their connection to Beechwood.
  • Council members shared what they are excited about for the upcoming year.
  • Fall sports kick off today.
  • The building looks great, and the custodial staff has done a great job painting and waxing and generally making it look clean and updated.
  • Construction continues, and the end is in sight.
  • The varsity gym looks great, and has new AC units and has been painted.
  • Old Business:
  • No Old Business
  • New Business :
  • Teacher Minority Rep was elected and will be Celeste Brockett.
  • The Student Representative has been chosen and will be Jackson Mazuela.
  • Vice Chair - Motion to have Lisa Sletto serve as vice chair: Erin Goetz, seconded by Celeste Brockett, approved by consensus.
  • Secretary will be Ms. Bromley
  • Establishment of 2024-2025 SBDM meeting dates, times, and location:
  • Motion to approve meeting on the first Monday of each month, at 4 PM, in the viewing room
  • Annual paperwork from KDE, listed below, was shared with the council.
  • 158.183
  • 158.195
  • Open Records Act
  • Managing Gov Records
  • Mr. Yanke signed the certificate of distribution
  • Members signed email contact agreement
  • Approval of BHS Student-Parent Handbook and Code of Conduct 24-25
  • Draft version was shared with edits highlighted in yellow (page 57, 60).
  • Motion to approve the draft version of BHS Student-Parent Handbook and Code of Conduct 24-25 with suggested changes and approved by consensus.
  • 24-25 District Crisis Response was shared with the council.
  • Motion to approve 24-25 District Crisis Response plan and approved by consensus.
  • Athletic Handbook was shared with SBDM.
  • Motion to approve the athletic handbook: approved by consensus.
  • The Coaches’ Handbook was shared with SBDM.
  • Motion to approve the coaches handbook: approved by consensus.
  • The Student-Athlete Handbook was shared with SBDM.
  • Motion to approve the Student-Athlete Handbook: approved by consensus.
  • The Beechwood PD Plan was shared with SBDM.
  • Motion to approve the Beechwood PD plan: approved by consensus.
  • The updated teacher allocation was shared with the council. Mr. Yanke explained the change of one teacher position from Spanish to Seminar, due to a Spanish teacher shortage/inability to fill that position, and how that will affect students.
  • Closed Session
  • Motion to go into closed session for hiring consultation and review of District Safety Plan:
  • Motion to return to open session
  • Student representative, Jackson Mazuela, was able to join the council and was introduced.
  • Approval of 24-25 District Safety Plan (cardiac plan embedded)
  • Motion to approve 24-25 District Safety Plan (cardiac plan embedded): approved by consensus.
  • Committee Report:
  • No committee reports given
  • Budget Report - SBDM Budget and Activities Budget were shared with the council.
  • Principal’s Report :
  • AP scores 17 - 24 were shared with the council.
  • Goals for this year’s SBDM were reviewed.
  • Other plans were shared, many of which will be reviewed and developed at our cabinet retreat next week, such as:
  • District Strategic Plan Year 3 of 3 came to an end. New plan coming.
  • Schoolwide Focus Areas - Cohort Work (CW focus), AP/ACT Scores + EDGE program
  • Department Goals - Aug 9 Leadership retreat
  • Master Schedule in accordance with:
  • School Day & Week Schedule Policy
  • Instructional and Non-Instructional Staff Time Policy
  • School Space Policy - Room Updates for 23-24
  • Eventlink Reminder - events are listed on the website
  • The district calendar was shared with the council.
  • Upcoming dates were shared with the council:
  • July
  • 7/16 Cabinet Retreat
  • 23rd - SBDM Training Day (New members 8:30 am / Returning members 12 noon) - Hemmer Building 250 Grandview Drive
  • 7/24 - HS Admin Retreat KASA Conference Louisville
  • August
  • 1st - New Staff Orientation (8:30-3:00)
  • 6th - New Student (1 pm) and 7th Grade Orientations (6pm)
  • 8th - HS Leadership mini - retreat (9-11 am)
  • 12th - Opening Day for Teachers
  • 13th - PD Day
  • 14th - Student First Day of School! - Extended 1st Period for Expectations Review/Chromebook Distribution
  • 21st - Early Release / Faculty Work Session
  • 26th - 30th - Extracurricular Rush Week & Student Council Elections
  • 28th - Open House (6pm)
  • Motion to adjourn

All meetings are open to the public. Agendas and minutes are posted outside of the HS office and on our WEBSITE.

Board of Education

Next regular meeting: July 22nd

6-7 pm in the High School Cafeteria

What is the "Blueprint for Excellence"?

Thank you PTSA for all your Support this school year!

Check out the Beechwood PTSA Store

Athletic Boosters

Follow on Twitter: @BHSAthleticBoosters

We Are Learners, We are Leaders

Congratulations to all the Education Rising students who were able to attend and participate in the 2024 National Educators Rising Competition in Washington, D.C.! Thank you to NKU for the grant money to help make the trip possible and to Mr. Fryer for helping to coordinate and chaperone all these amazing BHS students and future educators!

These Beechwood educators, pictured with presenter Holly Clark, participated in the AI Summit that was held at Beechwood on June 17th. What an amazing event with informational breakout sessions and the opportunity to hear an industry panel give our teachers tools to better equip our students to use this rapid technological advancement. We Are Learners and We Are Leaders!
The Beechwood Way!

State Champions!