
Afterschool Meals Outreach Toolkit


Use this toolkit to identify strategies and download materials to help spread the word about your Afterschool Meals program!

You’ve made the great decision to offer Afterschool Meals to the kids and teenagers in your community. Now it’s time to spread the word. Promoting and marketing your program is critical to increasing and maintaining participation.

Within this toolkit, you will find strategies, sample language, and ready-to-use graphics to help you spread the word about your program.

Both CACFP At-risk Afterschool Meals and NSLP Snacks are programs that offer schools and community-based organizations a way to provide children and teenagers with the nutrition they need after school, on weekends, and during holiday breaks. To learn more about the programs, including strategies to expand and improve your program, check out our website.

We hope you use this toolkit to help spread the word about your program to families, kids and teens, and the community!


Click on any of the links below to jump directly to a specific section:

  1. Getting Started
  2. Template Press Release
  3. Social Media Graphics and Sample Posts
  4. Website Blurb (can also be used for radio PSAs, robocalls, newsletters, or texts to families)
  5. Customizable Flyer
  6. Print Materials: Banners, Posters, Yard Signs, and Flyers
  7. Template Letter to Parents
  8. Template Faith Bulletin Insert
  9. Template FAQs about Afterschool Meals
  10. Appendix

Getting Started

In School Marketing - Make sure the whole school community – including students, teachers, and administrators – knows that free afterschool meals and/or snacks are available. Some marketing ideas include:

  • Advertise Afterschool Meals on banners, posters, and scrolling marquees around the school.
  • Include information about the program on the school nutrition website, district website, and in student manuals.
  • Promote free Afterschool Meals on social media, at school events (like parent-teacher conferences), and as part of daily announcements.
  • Use phrases in the breakfast and lunch serving line such as “See you after school” and “Don’t forget about your afterschool meal today.”
  • Recruit a group of students to create an advertising campaign with posters and slogans.

Remember, children are not required to participate in the enrichment activity in order to receive a meal! Check out information on the Umbrella Model to learn more.

Community Outreach - Tap into your community networks to promote your Afterschool Meals program. Send program information and flyers along with your request for promotional support to:

  • Libraries
  • Religious institutions
  • Recreation centers
  • Childcare centers
  • Community groups like Rotary Clubs and Lion’s Clubs
  • Schools
  • PTAs and parent groups
  • YMCAs
  • Boys and Girls Clubs
  • Food banks and food pantries
  • Pediatricians' offices, hospitals, and health clinics

Community partners may be great site locations too!

Local Media and Government -Reach out to your local radio and TV stations. Advertising your program to local radio and TV stations is a great way to get the word out about Afterschool Meals. Also, consider pitching the local print and digital media groups in your area. Partner with the mayor’s office and other local elected officials and government agencies (e.g., department of health, human services, and parks and recreation) to spread awareness about the availability of Afterschool Meals in your community.

Template Press Release

Customize and submit this press release to your local news outlet announcing the launch of your summer meals site. Instructions on how to use the release can be found within the document. If you have any questions or require further assistance, email bestpractices@strength.org.

Social Media Graphics and Sample Posts

Social media is an inexpensive and effective way to reach students, caregivers, and community groups. For example, posting on your organization’s social media platforms is free. It’s also free to ask partners to repost your content. If you’d like to reach a broader audience, consider running paid ads or boosting a post.

Here are some sample social media posts:

  • Did you know that all students at [insert school name] can get an afterschool [meal/snack] for free? No need to sign-up or register. Grab one today at [meal service location]!
  • Free afterschool meals! All students at [insert school/organization name] can stop by [meal service location and time] for a nutritious afterschool meal.
  • Fuel up before your afterschool sports and activities. Stop by [meal service location and time] today!
  • Give that brain a boost! Afterschool meals are the best homework helpers. Stop by [meal service location and time] today!
  • Are your children craving a snack when the school day ends? Save time and money with afterschool meals! Available for free to all children and teens at [meal service location and time].
  • Save time, money, and energy after school by having your child or teenager participate in afterschool meals! Free, nutritious meals are available at [meal service location and time] for your hungry kiddo.

Website Blurb

Can also be used for radio PSAs, robocalls, newsletters, or texts to families!

Fuel up with Afterschool Meals! [Organization name] offers free afterschool [meals/snacks] and activities at [time and location]. [Include information on programming and activities here]. No application or registration needed, just stop by and enjoy. Visit [website] or call [phone number] for more information.

Once you're done or have made any updates/edits/deletions:

  1. Click Share
  2. Click Publish and share link
  3. Update the Title (this is what will preview at the top of their browser in the Tab for this page and cannot be edited later); or, if just editing, click Update link
  4. Click Create link (if new toolkit)
  5. Click Copy and share away!

Customizable Flyer

Print Materials: Banners, Posters, Yard Signs & Flyers

Template Letter to Parents

Dear Caregiver,

Afterschool Meals for children and teenagers are available all year long at sites across our community! In addition to meals, sites have fun and educational activities, including [describe activities here].

Afterschool Meals Program Details:

  • Meals are free for children and teenagers.
  • Fun and educational activities are offered at each site.
  • No application or registration is required!
  • The meals served are nutritious and follow USDA nutrition guidelines.

[Include meal service times, days, and locations here.]

To learn more, visit [website] or call [phone number].

See you there!

Template Faith Bulletin Insert

"I have the audacity to believe that people everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for the minds and dignity, equality and freedom for their spirits." — Martin Luther King, Jr.

We know that when young people have consistent access to healthy food, they have the fuel they need to grow and thrive. That is why we are excited to announce that free and healthy Afterschool Meals are available to children and teenagers across our community this year! Please spread the word that enjoying afterschool meals can save families time and money and help support our community.

Afterschool Meals Program Details:

  • Meals are free for children and teenagers.
  • Fun and educational activities are offered at each site.
  • No application or registration is required!
  • The meals served are nutritious and follow USDA nutrition guidelines.

[Include meal service times, days, and locations here.]

To learn more, visit [website] or call [phone number].

Thank you for your help in reaching every kid with healthy food every day!

Template FAQs about Afterschool Meals

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Afterschool Meals programs? Afterschool meals programs are funded by the USDA and are designed to provide children and teens with nutritious meals after the school day, on weekends, and over holiday breaks.

What are the requirements for my child or teenager to receive a meal? Do I have to fill out an application or form? There is no application or registration required to receive a meal. You do not have to provide proof of income, residency, or citizenship. Just show up! Activities are offered at sites, but children are not required to participate in order to receive a meal.

Do meals have to be eaten on-site? Yes, due to federal regulations, all meals must be consumed on-site. Young people can take one fruit, vegetable, or grain item from their meal with them to eat later.

Is there a cost? No. All afterschool meals offered through the USDA’s programs are free to all children and teenagers who are ages 18 and under at the start of the school year.

Can parents or guardians pick up meals on behalf of their kids? No. Due to changes at the federal level, parents and guardians can no longer pick-up meals on behalf of their children and meals must be consumed on-site where the meal is served. However, meal sites include fun and educational activities for kids and teens.

How do I find an Afterschool Meals site in my community? Visit [website] to find afterschool meal sites near you.

What kind of food is served? The meals served are nutritious and meet USDA guidelines. For example, a typical meal could include, [details about meals and snacks served]. Check our menu at [link].

Who funds free Afterschool Meals? Afterschool meals programs are federally funded by the USDA through the Child and Adult Care Food Program At-risk Afterschool Meals Program [replace with National School Lunch Program if applicable].

What else can I do to help? You can share information about free afterschool meals with your friends, neighbors, and family members. Share [website and other information] with your friends, family, and community!

Have other questions? Please contact [organization] at [email address and/or phone number].