
The Husky's Howl September 15, 2023

A Message from the Principal

I wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt thanks to all of you who were able to attend Curriculum Night. Your presence and active participation have truly set the stage for what promises to be a successful and engaging school year ahead.

Curriculum Night provides a wonderful opportunity for parents, guardians, and caregivers to connect with our dedicated educators, gain insights into the curriculum, and learn about the exciting plans we have in store for our students. Your commitment to being involved in your child's education is invaluable and greatly appreciated.

As we embark on this academic journey together, your partnership with the school is vital to our collective success. We believe that by working collaboratively, we can provide the best possible learning experience for our students, ensuring their growth and development in a nurturing and stimulating environment.

We encourage you to stay engaged throughout the school year, attend parent-teacher conferences, participate in school events, and reach out to our faculty and staff whenever needed. Together, we can provide the support and guidance our students need to thrive.

Once again, thank you for being an essential part of our school community and for attending Curriculum Night. We look forward to a fantastic year filled with learning, growth, and achievement.

If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to our school office or your child's teacher.

Meet the Support Staff at Hill

Learning Goals Keep Students Motivated

This school year, challenge your child to set some learning goals. When students set goals, they learn to focus their time and resources more efficiently. To get started:

  1. Start a conversation. Tell your child something you’ve decided to change. “I’m going to get more exercise and cut back on my screen time.” This shows your child that a goal is really just a promise you make to yourself.
  2. Brainstorm ideas. Are there things your child struggled with last year? Talk about making improvements. “You’ve had trouble completing your assignments on time. What could you do to fix that?” Starting schoolwork earlier, revamping a study routine and organizing work spaces are three examples of things your child could think about doing.
  3. Define the goal. Make your child’s idea concrete by turning it into a goal. What specific steps does your child need to take to revamp a study routine? When a goal is measurable, it is easier to achieve. “I resolve to spend at least 15 minutes studying each subject every day.”
  4. Be supportive. Goals have a way of fading away. So offer support if you child starts to slip. “I know it’s hard to stick to a study routine, but you can do it!” Say that falling short once in a while doesn’t mean your child can’t get back on track.

Reprinted with permission from the September 2023 issue of Parents make the difference!® (Elementary School Edition) newsletter. Copyright © 2023 The Parent Institute®, a division of PaperClip Media, Inc.

Five Things Families Can do to Help Students in School

Every family—and every child—is different, but there are ways all families can set children up for success. Studies show that students are more likely to achieve in elementary school and beyond when their families provide a supportive environment. To set your child up for a great school year:

  • Set the bar high. Insist on your child’s personal best, but don’t demand perfect grades. Praise effort and progress—even if your child falls short.
  • Assign chores. Children who have household responsibilities learn how to be responsible. Make a short list of weekly tasks and expect your child to complete them.
  • Teach social skills. A productive learning environment hinges on students’ ability to get along with others. Promote cooperation and courtesy.
  • Nurture your relationship. Make time to have fun together. Share a hobby. Play catch in the yard. Express your love by being attentive and supportive.
  • Take care of yourself. If you’re always stressed, your child will be, too. Carve out time to relax, exercise or curl up with a good book. A calm, peaceful home starts with you.

Reprinted with permission from the September 2023 issue of Parents make the difference!® (Elementary School Edition) newsletter. Copyright © 2023 The Parent Institute®, a division of PaperClip Media, Inc. Source: R. Gillett and R. Premack, “Science says parents of successful kids have these 11 things in common,” Business Insider.

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