Domain Enforcement Pre-release for Adobe Enterprise Customers
Enterprise Directories and Domains
Adobe’s identity management system helps admins create and manage user's access to applications and services. Identity types allow the organization different levels of control over the users' accounts and data. Your choice of identity model has a considerable impact on how your organization stores and shares assets. While Federated ID and Enterprise ID models are created and managed by the organization, Adobe IDs are created and managed by the individual. Learn more.
Enterprise organizations (including commercial, government and education) require control over domain user activity within Adobe products and services outside of the organizational context. Furthermore, IT Admins may need to restrict users in their organization from:
- Purchasing personal software from Adobe
- Creating free Adobe accounts using an organization-owned email address
- Signing up for Adobe product trials
- Sharing IP with unapproved users
Key Features
- Block creation of new Adobe ID accounts with organization-owned domains.
- Require existing Adobe ID accounts using organization-owned domains to change the email associated with the account to a personal address (optional).
- Transition existing users with Adobe ID accounts in your organization to Enterprise ID or Federated ID accounts, requiring secure login for license and storage access (optional).
Participate in Pre-release
Adobe will enable the domain enforcement feature for those enterprise customers who agree to participate in the pre-release program. Qualifying criteria to participate includes:
- Customer has established at least (1) Enterprise or Federated ID directory with at least (1) domain claimed and active in their Adobe Admin Console.
- All Enterprise and Federated directories established at the time of the pre-release will automatically have the enforcement policy enabled, which will prevent any net-new personal Adobe ID accounts from being created with an organization-owned domain.
- The policy will take effect on start date, as defined by Adobe, and can be disabled by a System Admin via the self-service experience in the Admin Console at any time.
- Customer stakeholder will participate in a follow-up survey related to use of the domain enforcement policy.
Next Steps
- Confirm your approval to participate in the pre-release program by filling out this form.
- Adobe will review eligibility and inform you of entry into the pre-release program at least 1 week prior to policy enablement.
- You will participate in a follow-up survey, sent 30 days after policy is enabled.