Headteacher's Message
I hope you are having a great week. We are now 4 weeks into the autumn term and it has been lovely to see our pupils settled well in school this week. Attendance has been fantastic at 95%.
The new build activity is coming on quickly and our new playground facilities are taking shape; the pupils are showing a real interest in the changing landscapes at SJV and are coping really well with any noise and disruption. During the build phase we anticipate more visitors to school, including the building teams. Please be assured that our safeguarding procedures are well established and robust in securing the supervision of these visitors, when they are in school buildings. If you have any worries or concerns please do let me know.
Thank you to those parents who joined us for Macmillan Coffee Afternoon today, helping raise funds for a really worthwhile cause. It was lovely to meet you all informally over coffee today.
We are trialling a new, condensed version of the School newsletter this week. We hope you like it; please let us know what you think?
Best wishes for the weekend.
Mr Moloney
Dates For Your Diary
- Tuesday 26/9/23 @ 9:15-10:50am - College Morning for Key Stage 4 and 5 parents and carers.
- Friday 29/9/23 @ 1:30pm - Macmillan Coffee Afternoon for parents and carers.
- Wednesday 4/10/23 @ 1:30pm - Open Afternoon for prospective parents and carers.
- Thursday 5/10/23 @ 5pm - 6:30pm - Welcome Evening for parents and carers.
Stars of the Week
Congratulations to our Stars of the Week!
- Class 1 - Daniyal - For trying to communicate and use his words, alongside his communication aid.
- Class 2 - Benjamin - For an improved attitude towards learning.
- Class 3 - Ezra - For working hard in all his lessons.
- Class 4 - James - For settling himself really well this week, his behaviour has been fantastic.
- Class 5 - Ruby - For an amazing start to her time at -SJV!
- Class 6 - Charlie - For brilliant behaviour during the Independent Travel lesson.
- Class 7 - Charlie - For showing a greater maturity and work ethic.
- Class 8 - Heaven - For being an 'always' student and trying her hardest.
- Class 9 - Dylan - For having a really positive week.
- Class 10 - Daniel - For a great adjustment into Key Stage 4.
- Class 11 - Joseph - For being really engaged in all his lessons this week.
- Class 12 - Micah - For coping well in Post 16 and dealing with some difficult situations in a mature way.
- Class 13 - Tyler - For all of his hard work whilst on Work Experience.
Employee of the Week
Congratulations to Mrs Jordan!
Mrs Jordan has made a fantastic start to the new year with her new class. Getting stuck in and settling in the new learners. Establishing new routines and expectations has really helped her new team of pupils (and staff) start the year really well!
- What have you been doing this week? This week I went swimming at Stretford Leisure Centre, made a quiche in Food Tech, and drew a fish with different tones and shadings in Art.
- What is the best thing about being in SJV? What’s not to love? Interactive lessons, friendly teachers, but overall, this school is amazing!
- How could SJV be even better? There is nothing to improve about this school, but now I’m just waiting for the new school building to be finished!
- What are your hopes and dreams for the future? I would like to own an animal sanctuary when I am older and have a family.
Miss Wilkinson
- What is your role in school? Trainee Teacher.
- What have you been doing this week? This week in school I have been visiting different classes and teaching different subjects including, Drama, English, Maths, History, Geography and Topic.
- What is the best thing about being in SJV? What I find most rewarding working at SJV is the strong relationships with the pupils and staff and the genuine connections that are built. It is incredibly fulfilling to see our pupils' progress, not only academically but personally and emotionally. Playing a part in shaping their futures is the best part about being a member of staff at this school.
- How could SJV be even better? It would be even better if we had more performing arts programmes and resources, this would enrich the overall educational experience for our pupils. Future performances and extra arts activities can further our student’s growth and help them to discover their talents.
- What are your hopes and dreams for the future? To qualify as a teacher at SJV and continue to develop my strengths.
Class 1
- Who are the members of your class? Staff: Miss Shaw, Miss Shenton, Miss Kelly, Mrs Yar. Pupils: Abdul, Aidan, Daniyal, Hassan, Jase, Oskar, Shawn.
- What is the best thing about your class? The best thing about Class 1 is how amazingly well they have settled into the new academic year and their resilience whilst undertaking offsite activities.
- What would make your class even better? There is nothing we would change about Class 1, the pupils and adults love it the way it is, we are the dream team.
- What has your class been learning this week? The pupils have been exploring colour, light and sound. We are always very busy in Class 1.
- What activities have your class undertaken this week? This week we have been swimming, cycling, to the sensory room and to Hideaway. In school, we learn through sensory activities and play, we enjoy messy learning; the messier the better.
- What is the class looking forward to in the future? Class 1 are looking forward to lots of trips related to our topics over the year.
Class 2
- Who are the members of your class? Staff: Mrs Jordan, Miss Murgia, Miss McDonagh, Miss Mawn. Pupils: Alex, Ben, Benjamin, Cory, George, Harry, Kian, Neo, Zack.
- What is the best thing about your class? "Its a really good place" (Benjamin). "Everyone is friends" (Ben). "Everyone speaks kindly to each other" (Harry).
- What would make your class even better? "If our class was a little bit quieter" (Kian and Harry).
- What has your class been learning this week? "In RE we have been using the laptops to make a PowerPoint about global warming" (Ben).
- What activities have your class undertaken this week? "In Science we have been making circuits and learnt how important a switch is" (Cory). "We went off-site to Longford Park and we went to 'pets corner', which was amazing!" (Kian).
Our Catholic School
'God is generous. He shows us his love and encourages us to be generous too.'
Pope Francis
It was wonderful to be able to have a huge event such as the Macmillan Coffee Afternoon. It was so lovely to meet all the parents and carers, enjoy some social time with them and to see them make new connections. The Chaplaincy Team and Ms Nesbitt’s Hospitality Team did a wonderful job of supporting this key event .Class 13 went on retreat to Father Nick's home at the Just Youth Centre to spend some time in prayer and reflection.
Within RE this week we have been looking at the environment and our role as stewards of the earth. With the older students, we have been looking at vocations and our dream job and what is the meaning of having a 'calling'.
This week's edition of the Wednesday Word is all about 'change'. Click on the button below to access it.
Mrs Garfin
Poetry Corner
This week's poetry news! Preparations are well underway for this year's National Poetry Day workshops on October 5th, with our poet in residence, Oliver Lomax. This year's theme is 'Refuge' and to celebrate, our learners will be taking part in a wide range of creative writing and spoken word performance exercises. We are so excited to be sharing our young poets' latest work with you all here in this new section of our newsletter. Until then please enjoy this stunning poem by Leah who won last year's 'Working Class Movement Library Poetry' prize! This poem, inspired by the Peterloo Massacre, is even going to be performed by Maxine Peake at the Library's Radical readings event in October. Congratulations Leah!
On Peter’s Field we stand today, the 16th of August
Is also my younger brother’s birthday.
He is eleven now, half the age of John Rhoads who
was just twenty-two, when he gave his life for me and you.
You see, Peterloo still echoes through, because we need
change today, everyone has the right to a living wage.
If everyone in Manchester jumped up and down
we could cause an earthquake in this northern powerhouse.
So, as I stand here on Peter’s Fields, I think
what would John Rhoads say? Can he still hear us?
As our voices carry over 200 years, to a battlefield full of tears,
and Manchester says, thank you, for all you gave.
Useful Information
Did you know Family Fund offer grants to families raising a disabled or seriously ill child and young people?
You can apply for a grant if you meet their eligibility criteria. What can the grant be used for? From kitchen appliances, to play equipment and days out -find out about the types of items that you can apply for through their grant programmes.
To find our more or apply online for a grant click the button below to visit their website.
Mrs Griffin
Keep up to date with SJV on our website and on social media. Just click on the buttons below:
St John Vianney R.C. School. Rye Bank Rd, Firswood, Stretford. M16 0EX.
Tel: 0161 881 7843