
The Voice of st leonards

Friday, 8 September 2023

Heartbeat Highlights

As term is now in full swing, it has been wonderful to meet so many of you at events over the past week; from running on the beach, to morning greetings at the school gate, or the fantastic whole school BBQ last Friday, I have been made to feel so welcome by the Junior School Community. This has been emphasised by all of the children too, whose positivity, enthusiasm and love of school life ensure that there is a wonderful buzz around the Junior School.

We have been thinking about the importance of community as well as our Learner Profile for this month, ‘Risk-Taker’ in our Assemblies and how, with the support of those around you, you find confidence and reassurance to take a risk. In our first assembly of the year, we shared both our excitement and worries together and were able to turn individual flutters and beats into a synchronised Junior School heartbeat, expertly led by Sholto and Bella on the djembe drums. We also thought about the opportunities in our week to be a ‘Risk-Taker’ and have seen this across all aspects of school life, with pupils trying new food at lunchtime, reaching out to new pupils to make friends and taking part in new activities. The Junior School is truly a special place and with our heartbeat beating strong and as one, it is going to be a fantastic year ahead!

Claire Robertson, Head of the Junior School

Year 1

Weekend News

The children began their week by sharing their stories and weekend news. They then used this information to create a drawing of their experiences, Mrs Beebee even helped them scribe their story!

Numicon & Numbers

This week, Year 1 have enjoyed using the large Numicon outside on the playground to help them recognise their numbers to 10. The children then categorised the numbers into odd and even as well as matched pairs together to make their number bonds to 10. Great work, Year 1!

Super Sounds

The children have also began their phonics learning, listening to new sounds and reinforcing them through a variety of activities including; drawing m-m-m-moon pictures, and baking yummy a-a-a-apple crumbles with Miss Barclay!

Scotties by the Sea

The children enjoyed a trip to East Sands Beach to meet with the new Scottie by the Sea! What a busy week for Year 1!

Year 2


PA Play Equipment

At the end of the last academic year, the Junior School were lucky enough to receive funding from the Parents Association to buy play equipment and storage for the Early Years outdoor play areas. This week, parcels started to arrive, generating great excitement among our young learners. The first delivery contained a huge inclined plane kit, which Year 2 were quick to experiment with, testing ramps of different gradients, and running balls and wheeled vehicles down the runs they created. The children showed themselves to be expert collaborators and communicators, thinking creatively about how best to solve problems as they arose.

This play equipment will greatly enhance the learning experiences that we can offer our children, and we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the Parents Association for their support.

Self Portraits

The children have been drawing life-sized self portraits and have been discussing some interesting topics.. see below for some of their responses!

When you grow up, what job would you like to do?

Flora - I'd like to be an ambulance driver because you get to see what's happened to the person and help them.
Aria - A vet because I'd get to see lots of cute animals, and I'd see what's wrong with them.
Victor - I'd like to be a sumo wrestler! I wrestle against my dad, and I usually win.
Vania - A doctor because I want to help people.
Abigail - I want to be a police lady. You get to put people in jail, the bad people, and they stay there for a long time.
Rupert - I'd like to be an archaeologist because I like finding fossils.

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

Flora - To be invisible. I'd sneak into people’s houses.
Rupert - I'd like to have all the powers in the world! I'd protect the city.
Bertie - I want to shoot lasers out of my eyes! So no one could get into the school, because I'd guard it. I'd put a laser all round the school to protect it.

If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?

Victor - A scorpion. I like them so much because they sting!
Enzo - I'd be a shark because they can smell from a really long distance.
Vania - I'd be a butterfly because the wings are beautiful and they can fly.


Essential Agreement

The children in Year 2P have been coming up with some excellent ideas, when devising their class Essential Agreement, deciding how they want to behave around their peer group to achieve the most harmonious learning space. Everyone in the class put their name to the agreement by individually signing it and so far is doing a great job keeping to it!

Time Capsule

Year 2P have been busy filling a time capsule to open at the end of the school year to see how much they have grown, not just physically, but in their learning and holistically as young people. They have had great fun, creating portraits of themselves, as part of their time capsule memorabilia, using mirrors to look long and hard at their faces and their individual features. Firstly, they executed some preliminary sketches in pencil and then they took the plunge and created some wonderful self portraits using paint and mixing the paint colours to achieve the desired hue. I think you will agree that they have created some great impressions!

Year 3

Acrostic Poems

Year 3 have been enjoying the nice weather this week, taking their learning outside for various activities. During their Language & Literature lesson, they explored what an acrostic poem is and brainstormed together about various themes, ideas, sentences and words. The children then started writing their own poems individually or in pairs. The children found it liberating that poems don't have to rhyme, and that they have freedom to play with words.

Year 4

Fun Run

Year 4 kicked off the start of the school year with the Beach Fun Run. What a great job of working with their islands and pushing themselves in the race at the East Sands. Year 4 enjoyed themselves whilst getting used to our lovely beach surroundings, which they aim to visit at least once a week. It’s been a great start to the term for Year 4!

Year 5

Problem Solvers

Year 5 have been excellent problem solvers this week. Taking their learning outside and teaming up to solve a variety of challenging Maths problems. A very impressive start to Year 5 Maths, well done!

Place Value

After a long summer holiday, Year 5 rebooted their brains with a series of place value games and challenges. Understanding of place value is key to any mathematical learning and Year 5 were excelling in it!

Year 6

Marble Run

Year 6 took to the beach last Friday to make a giant marble run as the provocation for their first Unit of ‘Materials’ under the Transdisciplinary Theme of 'How the World Works'. A follow up visit allowed the pupils to refine their ideas and improve their original design. Establishing some rules then allowed them to test which group had the fastest marble run over 2 metres. Great work, Year 6!

Beach Fun Run

Pupils enjoyed the glorious weather at their annual Beach Fun Run held on East Sands Beach. Years 1-3 had a fantastic time participating in a relay race, teaming up and running in pairs along the beach. Meanwhile, the older students in Years 4 to 6, ran in true Chariots of Fire style, beside the shoreline. It was definitely a memorable day filled with fun and laughter, as our students enjoyed the fresh air and the beautiful coastline.

Year 1 to 3

Year 4 to 6

Sporting Highlights

On the Pitch

Well done to our U11 and U12 boys who played their first rugby fixture of the year against High School of Dundee!

On the Field

The U11 and U12 girls played their first hockey match against Kilgraston this week. Congratulations to Thea S, Ella M and Jessica D, our goal scorers!