Welcome to the new-look newsletter! We are experimenting with this new online format during Advent, and we would welcome your feedback!
The newest edition of the newsletter will be published, as usual, on a Friday. We will continue to send you an email with the link each week, but if you prefer you can save the link to the favourites bar on your web browser as the link should remain the same each week.
If you have any items which you would like included in the newsletter, please email newsletter@ssaparish.org
- Services
- First Aiders
- Foodshare
- Prayer and Potatoes
- Coffee Shop
- Lumos
1. Services this Sunday
- 9.15am All Age Service (SM)
- 10.30am Whole Parish Service (SM)
St Michael's
- Leader: Tansley Jordan
- Preacher: Tansley Jordan
- Reader 1: David Mear Isaiah 60: 1 - 6
- Reader 2: Mary Nichols Matthew 2: 1 - 12
- Prayers: Elizabeth Francescon
- Sidesmen: Stuart and Lyndsey McNair
- Coffee: Karen Rumens and Lynn McClymont
Please note: The normal pattern of 9:15 and 10:30 Sunday services at each church continues as usual during December.
2. First Aiders
We are still compiling a list of those members of our congregations who hold a current first aid qualification (under 3 years old). If you have such a qualification and would be happy to be on that list, please could you email Fay Philp, one of our administrators at fay.philp@ssaparish.org with your name, the type or level of qualification and when it expires. Thank you to those who have already contacted us.
3. Foodshare
Foodshare at All Souls' happens on a Friday afternoon. It will be closed however on Friday 27th December and Friday 3rd January. They will be open again on Friday 10th January.
4. Prayer and Potatoes
Our next Prayer and Potatoes will be on Monday 6th January at St Michael's at 11.30am. All are welcome to come along and join us.
5. Coffee Shop
Our coffee shop will be open from Monday 6th January between 10.00am and 12.00pm. Come along and enjoy tea, coffee, homemade cake and good company.
6. Lumos
We are delighted that Lumos will be performing at All Souls' Church on Saturday 25th January at 7.00pm. Details of the concert, along with the opportunity to book tickets can be found on their website: https://lumoslive.co.uk/listing/a-hans-zimmer-candlelight-experience-ascot-%F0%9F%95%AF%EF%B8%8Fsaturday-25th-january/
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