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Shawnee Alliance SnapShot december 3 - Edition 49

Come celebrate the birth of Jesus with us at one of our Christmas Eve services, available both in-person and online:

  • 4, 6, and 8 p.m. in the West Campus Activity Center
  • 11 p.m. in the East Campus Sanctuary
  • 7 p.m. online service on YouTube and Facebook.

We look forward to worshiping together and sharing the joy of Christmas with you and your loved ones!

Every year, millions make New Year’s resolutions to “do better,” but at Shawnee Alliance, our resolution is always the same: to put God’s Kingdom first and follow Jesus above all else. This year, we’re focusing on what it means to be the Church, bringing Christ’s restorative power to a world in need.

Join us on December 31 at 6:30 p.m. in the Activity Center as we celebrate God’s goodness and commit to being a church of restoration in the New Year. This family-friendly service will have space for parents with young children in the nurseries and lobbies as needed. Let’s step into the new year together, united in purpose and faith!

God is doing big things in and around Shawnee Alliance Church. Your giving to the building fund helps us improve our facilities to increase the effectiveness of our current and future ministries! You can partner with us through giving below. Thank you for cheerfully being part of Transforming Lives!

Connect with us!

Building a community of faith... Leading people to become fully transformed followers of Jesus Christ.

New to Shawnee Alliance or have updated information?

Would you like to know more about the church, submit a prayer request or connect with a pastor? Or maybe you'd like to find out about upcoming groups and events or let us know of a change in contact information? Let us know by filling out a connect card below! We would love to hear from you!

How to Connect With Us

As you're continually called into God's presence, please be reminded of the community we have here. We invite you to reach out and connect with us.

Join Community

Life Transformation happens through discipleship, serving, and making connections with others. Below are some opportunities to join community throughout the week and month!

If you have a question about how to get connected, please feel free to reach out to our staff by filling out a Connect Card. If you'd like to serve Jesus and others but you're unsure of where to start or what your fit might be, we invite you to visit for some ideas! From there, we will work with you to determine your next step to thrive in the Shawnee Alliance community.

New Groups

High School Guys Group

High School guys in grades 9-12 are invited to join Brian & Garrett to discuss how Jesus fits into our lives, alongside learning tips on how to be a man like grilling, using a riding mower, tools, and more. Starting back in January, we will meet in East Campus Room F at 4:30pm before Sunday Night youth group.

Wednesday Night Groups

As we’ve journeyed through the Restoration Series, we’ve experienced moments of personal growth and transformation, finding ourselves stretched as we actively carry our faith into the diverse spaces we occupy daily—whether at work, in our communities, or within our families. Along the way, we’ve also embraced the importance of praying intentionally, keeping our focus outward to serve and uplift those around us, and practicing patience as we wait on God’s timing.

With these lessons in mind, we are excited to prepare for further discipleship opportunities in our upcoming Wednesday night classes, which are designed to deepen our faith and equip us for continued spiritual growth and service.

Wednesdays from 6:30-8pm - January 8-May 7, 2025

Whether you’re new to Shawnee Alliance or have been here a long time, getting involved in a group is a great way to join community and deepen your faith! We have groups for Kids, Teens and Adults!

Current High School-Adult Groups:

We invite you to volunteer with Kids, Youth or Worship/Tech Ministries during Wednesday Night Groups! Please fill out the volunteer form below. Thank you!

Life Groups

Life Groups are groups of about 6-14 adults that meet together on a regular basis to enjoy fellowship and lift each other up in prayer. Many groups are family-focused and their children are welcome to come as well. These used to be referred to as In-Home Groups, but as we have brought more intentionality to the groups, we have decided to change the name as well. The "Life Groups" name comes from the intentional design of fostering Christian friendship while living life together. The name is also an acronym which stands for:

  • Love – build relationships and show love in the body of Christ
  • Instruct – study the Bible to grow in their knowledge of God
  • Fellowship – value the experience of being with other Christians and enjoying time in the body of Christ
  • Evangelism – as with everything at Shawnee Alliance Church, life groups are a part of the way we fulfill the Great Commission

You can visit at any time to view groups that are open for new members, and new Life Groups form regularly. If you want to get involved but don't know where to start, or have any questions, please join the group "I am interested in joining a Life Group" on the Life Groups page, and you will be contacted about how to become part of a group!

YouVersion Bible App

Join our church family on YouVersion! Download the app below and search for Shawnee Allianceset as your home church, and connect with others through our weekly devotionals.

As we walk through each week, watch for updates on social media and in the YouVersion app for new plans! Join in our newest plan below:

For more details, please see below or visit If you are interested in leading or hosting a small group, please contact Pastor Brian at

Ongoing Weekly Groups

Ongoing Monthly Groups

Don't see a group you'd like to attend? Contact Pastor Brian at if you're interested in leading your own!

As we reflect back over the last year, here are some of the things we are celebrating!

Vision Sunday

This spring, we come together as a church family to celebrate 60 years of God’s faithfulness, reflecting on His incredible work in and through our community. Over these decades, hundreds of lives have come to know Jesus as Savior, a powerful reminder of the eternal impact of His grace. From completing and paying off multiple building additions to expanding our ministry reach, these milestones are a testament to His provision and the dedication of His people. As we look to the future, we remain prayerful, outward-focused, and patient in waiting, eager to see how God will continue to use us to transform lives and serve our community in the years to come.

District Conference

In September, we welcomed pastors & ministry workers from the Christian and Missionary Alliance into a space for learning and growth. We went above and beyond their expectations to create an environment where those who serve in difficult ministry areas could come to be refreshed for the work that they do on a daily basis.


Thank you so much for your incredible support and participation in our Trunk-n-Treat event! Your generosity in volunteering your time and effort helped create a wonderful experience for our community, especially in an area where sidewalks are scarce. It was touching to see the joy on the children's faces, and over 2,000 people were blessed by this event because of your involvement. Your willingness to give so freely made this event a great success! We are grateful for each of you!

Youth Update

5th Quarter

We want to give a HUGE THANKS to all of the volunteers that came out to work the Fifth Quarter events this season! We have an amazing opportunity to create a safe and fun atmosphere after each Varsity Shawnee Home Football game and it's a big task to help look after almost 200 middle school students. We couldn't do this event without you!

LIFE Conference

This event happens once every three years and has been a tradition within the Alliance denomination for just under 100 years now. Geared towards high school students, we are taking a group in Summer of 2025. Registrations are open and we'd love to have your high school student sign up.

Youth Bake Sale Fundraiser

With this 5-day trip there are many expenses and we as a church are committed to creating ways to have your students fundraise to help offset their costs. HopeShakers Youth Ministry leaders will be working with the students to lead these fundraisers. Our first big fundraiser will be our cookie & bake sale the Sunday before Christmas. We'd love to help all the families get delicious treats so visit us after all church services on Sunday, December 22nd to pick yours up!

Upward Sports


Upward Sports at Shawnee Alliance has become intrenched in the culture of who we are as a church. Last year we had a fantastic season with basketball & cheerleading, having about 220 kids in both sports. We are gearing up for another amazing season, and God is greatly increasing the amount of families that will be involved. We have over 280 kids enrolled in the 2025 season! We know God's hand will move and we are excited to partner with Him on this!


Upward Volleyball celebrated their second season this past summer and saw their numbers almost double, going from four teams to seven, 30 kids to 54, and welcoming many new players and coaches onto the floor! There was a lot of fun that was had as friends were made, teams grew in skills and abilities, and they came together both on the court as well as off of it. We are excited to see what God has in store for the 2025 season.

Centershot Archery

Centershot Archery invites students in grades 4-12 to learn the skill of archery while learning about Jesus.

The Centershot Archery team also has opportunities to compete in tournaments toward the end of their fall and spring sessions. We celebrate with these students as they learn this skill, what it is to compete, and what it is to grow in their faith!

This season, the team studied the miracles of Jesus, The Lord's Prayer, The Ten Commandments and the Centershot Life Bow. The Shawnee Alliance Centershot Archery team completed their fall season with an in-house tournament, which included 24 archers.

  • Sam Merschman: 3rd place, Junior Division
  • Lane Dietz: Reserve Champion, Junior Division
  • Spencer Merschman: Champion, Junior Division, with a score of 171
  • Elijah Henson: 3rd place, Senior Division
  • Makenzie Taylor: Reserve Champion, Senior Division
  • Asher Font: Champion, Senior Division, with a score of 181

The spring session for Centershot will start in early March, with registration opening in February. We hope you'll join us!


Upcoming: Compassion Vision Trip to Guatemala

Late 2025/early 2026. More details coming soon!

Booked: Guinea 2025

The team will serve by teaching English classes, assisting with eye exam & glasses distribution events, helping local churches and volunteering at the Child Rescue Center.

Missionary Updates

MaryLu & Doug Anthony (A Walk In Two World) - Doug & MaryLu are grateful for your continued prayers and generous support of what Jesus is doing all around the world!They are celebrating that more than 500 Kunda people have given their lives to Christ during a festival in September. They have recently been asked to lead a multi-year Scripture-to-Song initiative in Zambia and ask for prayers for clarity, wisdom and significant funding if they are to proceed. They continue to seek discernment to know what invitations to say YES to in the next year. "We put our 'Yes!' on the table and trust Him to put it on the map!"

Rachel (aXcess, Europe) - Rachel has been doing well and busy meeting with a lot of different people and hosting English clubs in the country she currently resides in. She does ask for prayers to help find a place to hold an upcoming English Weekend event. Many people are seeking English classes and she is in need of a larger place to meet. This is a great opportunity for her to engage with new people and have deeper conversations. She also sends encouragement and a specific challenge for us - "God is constantly working, so don't put people that you know in a box. Believe that God is at work always and changing people's hearts!"


I cannot describe how heart-warming it is to have my church freely open up its doors and classrooms to partner with this wonderful and desperately needed community program!

A non-traditional Thanksgiving celebration was held on Monday, November 26 at Shawnee Alliance Church where all Apollo weekly morning classes were invited to combine to share a meal together. The history and American culture of Thanksgiving was shared and discussed, and all students were welcomed to bring and share their own favorite cultural family dish. Green bean casserole and mashed potatoes were combined with rice and beans, shrimp and spinach stew, chicken empanadas, and Spanish punch to bring together all the cultures and celebrate diversity in a grateful spirit.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about mission trip opportunities, please contact Jessica at

Operation Christmas Child

On behalf of the Shawnee Alliance Church team working with Operation Christmas Child, we want to say Thank You to everyone who has been involved in any of these events, from donations, to packing a shoebox, to volunteering with us! This creates Gospel Opportunities with every shoebox packed and the children are overcome with pure JOY! We pray that the hearts of these children are open to learning more about Jesus through the discipleship program, The Greatest Journey and that they impact their families and communities for Christ as churches become planted, all through a simple shoebox gift!

These are a few key fundraising events that helped support us throughout the year:

  • We had 3 Windshield Washing Days full of high school youth & leaders. We were able to purchase 284 water filters that go into the shoeboxes!
  • Murder Mystery Dinner: Thank you to the large team of volunteers that participated! The actors were amazing! This event exceeded the initial goal and we were able to purchase quality WOW and filler items while still covering the cost of shipping for the youth group packing party!
  • Sewing Group: Beautiful handmade clothing and games were made for every shoebox.
  • Youth Packing Party: 197 fun, full, personalized shoeboxes were packed! A picture of the group was printed and put in every shoebox along with an email address in hopes of a response from an outreach center. These boxes are being tracked and we should know the destination country by mid-December!
  • In addition, the congregation packed 229 shoeboxes!

Prayer Ministry

Prayer is not just something we do, it's a part of who we are. We incorporate prayer into everything we do -- because prayer brings us closer to God, and that's right where we want to be.​

Send & Receive Prayer Requests

We invite you to pray alongside us as a community for different needs throughout our congregation and world! A great way to do this is by receiving Prayer Request emails with updated prayer needs for those in our church. Sign up below!

You can send prayer requests and updates to, and we will pass it on to our Prayer List so we can all pray for you! If you'd rather keep your prayer request private to the pastors and staff, please fill out a Connect Card at the bottom of our website and mark your prayer request "Private".

Join the Partners in Prayer Team

On a rotating schedule, 2-3 people arrive before each Sunday service to walk through the buildings and pray for the pastors, worship team, and everyone who will join together in worship that day. Join with us to partner with the Holy Spirit as He brings to mind the right people to pray for and how to come alongside them!

Join the Prayer Counselors Team

Toward the end of the worship services, we invite people to receive prayer in our Prayer Area. Prayer Counselors wait in the designated areas at the end of the services to meet with people, listen, and pray for them as the Holy Spirit leads.

Current Volunteer Opportunities

Bake Sale for LIFE Youth Fundraiser

Our Baked Goods Fundraiser will help to make it possible for more students to be able to attend the LIFE Youth Conference in July!

Please consider donating:

  • Baking supplies - When registering, checkmark all the supplies you agree to purchase. Then, bring the purchased supplies to the church lobbies or office by Thursday, Dec. 19!
  • Lunch for Baking Day - We are looking for one or two families to donate lunch for our bakers on Dec. 21
  • Monetary donations - Any amount is accepted

These baked goods will be available for purchase on Sunday, Dec 22! Please visit either church lobby after services that day to buy some goodies for you and your family this Christmas season!

Make sure to register & bring donations by December 19! Thank you!

Upward Basketball & Cheerleading

Help us to provide an excellent ministry for basketball players and cheerleaders in grades K-4! Opportunities include being a coach, referee, helping with setup/teardown, scoreboard, running concessions, and cleaning up after game days. If you're interested, please register as a volunteer at If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Josh at Thank you!

Chair Ministry Team

Would you enjoy being part of a team that works behind the scene with a bit of muscle to bless the ministries that happen every Sunday morning and for special services throughout the year? We are blessed to have facilities that are used daily by ministries of both our church and community events! As we partner with each of these events and ministries, we are blessed by the challenge of having a lot to setup and tear-down!

If you have the spiritual gifts of serving, helps, leadership, or administration, we are looking to expand our team that supports these main services every Sunday morning. Whether you are able to volunteer weekly, or even just once a month, this ministry team would be blessed with your part in helping in this vital ministry each week. You can sign up or ask questions below!

Hospitality Team

Everyone remembers that feeling of walking into a new space for the first time. When we walk into a church for the first time, there are questions on where to go, how to dress, where is the Kids Min, how to register for events, or even how to get connected with a group. Our Hospitality Team has the unique privilege of creating an environment that welcomes each person to a new experience with God and guides each person who may feel uneasy. Whether you choose to greet, usher, make coffee or drive the shuttle, you each carry the hospitality of Jesus to all who drive into our parking lots and walk through our doors.

Our volunteers can expect to have fun as they build relationships and play a significant role in creating a welcoming environment with the goal of making a great first impression. Being part of this team is also a great first step in serving at Shawnee Alliance, getting to know more about the church, and meeting new people! Volunteering can be as simple as signing up to serve once a month or for special events. You can sign up or ask questions below!

Grief Share Prison Ministry

The Chaplain at the Allen Oakwood Prison often has to tell an inmate that a loved one has died, and there is no place to grieve or let out the emotions involving their grief. Our Grief Share program would be of help to them. Many of them will be released back into this community and we want to minister to them in the best way possible. We will lead a Grief Share Ministry on Thursdays from Jan. 9-Apr. 3 from 5:30-7pm. If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Brian (

Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities

Remember, you can reach out to our staff at any time by filling out a connect card at the bottom of our website!

Bible Reading Plan

Bring transformation to your life by reading your Bible! You will get to know Jesus on a deeper level and learn wisdom for your everyday choices.

You can find a free Bible in any of our church lobbies. Please feel free to take one when you're with us at church on Sunday or download the YouVersion app on your phone.

Use this simple SOAP format to guide your interaction with God's Word:

  • Scripture. Take your time reading each chapter and allow God to speak to you.
  • Observation. What do you see God doing in the Scripture? What is God saying to you?
  • Application. Ask yourself how you can apply this to your life right now.
  • Prayer. Communicate with God and ask Him to help you apply this to your life.

Try adding a chapter from Proverbs every day to the below plan! This list is also posted every Sunday on our Facebook page.

  • Thursday, December 5 - 1 Peter 5
  • Friday, December 6 - Acts 3
  • Saturday, December 7 - Job 42
  • Sunday, December 8 - Isaiah 51
  • Monday, December 9 - Isaiah 7
  • Tuesday, December 10- Isaiah 9
  • Wednesday, December 11 - Isaiah 11
  • Thursday, December 12 - Hosea 11
  • Friday, December 13 - John 1
  • Saturday, December 14 - Romans 6
  • Sunday, December 15 - Matthew 1:18-21
  • Monday, December 16 - Luke 1
  • Tuesday, December 17 - Galatians 4
  • Wednesday, December 18 - James 1
  • Thursday, December 19 - Zechariah 9
  • Friday, December 20 - Philippians 2
  • Saturday, December 21 - Micah 5
  • Sunday, December 22 - Matthew 1
  • Monday, December 23 - Jeremiah 23
  • Tuesday, December 24 - John 14
  • Wednesday, December 25 - Psalm 96
  • Thursday, December 26 - 2 Corinthians 9
  • Friday, December 27 - Romans 15
  • Saturday, December 28 - Psalm 16
  • Sunday, December 29 - Matthew 2:13-18
  • Monday, December 30 - Exodus 12
  • Tuesday, December 31 - Psalm 69
  • Wednesday, January 1 - John 2
  • Thursday, January 2 - 1 Corinthians 5
  • Friday, January 3 - Romans 12
  • Saturday, January 4 - Psalm 63
  • Sunday, January 5 - Luke 2:41-50

Year-End Giving

A Message from Our Treasurer

I thank you for your faithful giving to the ongoing ministries and events here at the church! If you're looking for a way to bless others beyond your regular giving, I encourage you to consider two year-end giving opportunities at Shawnee Alliance:

  • A love offering to celebrate and show appreciation to our pastors.
  • For updates on year-end giving and the building fund, here is a video from Kris and Sarah:

You can donate here to the Building Fund or on the Church Center App by dropping down to "Building Fund".

Giving statements for 2024 will be emailed in January. If you would like your statement mailed to you, please contact the office or email the treasurer at

Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing all that God will do!

Chris Hager, Treasurer

  1. Online at
  2. Church Center Appdownload today
  3. In Person - place check or cash in offering box after Sunday services

Financial Update

Upcoming Events

LIFE 2025 Parent Meeting - December 1 at 12:15pm in East Campus Rooms B & C

Connected Women Christmas Tea - December 7 at 6pm in Activity Center

Keenager Luncheon - December 10 at 11:30am in Activity Center Lobby

Intercessory Prayer for America - December 11 & 18 at 6:30pm

Stamp Trimming - December 14 at 9am in East Campus Room C

Children's Christmas Program - December 15 at 4pm

Our Daily Bread Volunteer Thursday - December 19 at 11am

Youth Baking Fundraiser - December 21 in Activity Center (register to donate by Dec. 19)

Buy Baked Goods after services - Youth Fundraiser - Sunday, December 22

Service of Lessons and Carols - December 22 at 3pm

Christmas Eve Modern Services - December 24 at 4, 6, & 8pm in Activity Center

Christmas Eve Online Service - December 24 at 7pm Online

Christmas Eve Traditional Service - December 24 at 11pm in East Campus Sanctuary

Merry Christmas! - December 25, Office Closed December 25-27

New Year's Eve Service - December 31 at 6:30pm in Activity Center

Happy New Year! - January 1, Office Closed

Wednesday Night Groups Begin - Wednesday, January 8

Stamp Trimming - January 11 at 9am in East Campus Room C

Keenager Luncheon - January 14 at 11:30 in East Campus Kids Min Area

Our Daily Bread Volunteer Thursday - January 16 at 11am

Baptism - January 19 at 9:30 & 11am in Activity Center (register by January 5)

Our Daily Bread Volunteer Tuesday - January 28 at 11am

LIFE 2025 - July 4-9 (National Youth Conference) (register by Feb 28)

We hope you enjoyed this edition of the Shawnee Alliance SnapShot! Please visit to view previous editions of this newsletter, watch sermons and testimony videos, and more!

If you no longer wish to receive the SnapShot, please email to let us know. (Clicking "unsubscribe" removes you from all church communications including emergency email notifications, updated information about an event you registered for, scheduled volunteer communications, etc.)
