
Story of 3 Commitments Newsletter #2

Dear TFIx Family,

At Teach For India, our leadership is centered on our commitment to Personal Transformation, Collective Action, and Education Equity. After 14 years of exploring who we are and our purpose, building relationships, organizing partners to multiply and deepen our impact, and deepening our understanding of educational equity, we have bucketed our commitment into three levels - Self, Others, and India.

TFIx incubated Entrepreneurs are running 37 diverse Fellowships in the country. These Fellowships provide opportunities to local youth of their region to take ownership of Self and Others (lead the community around them) so that every child in India can access an excellent and equitable education. This newsletter talks about this three-leveled leadership that we are trying to create across the country - in our Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurs' Fellows (teachers/leaders), and their Students.

Read on to know more!


We'll take steps to discover who we are, cultivate belief in ourselves, find our purpose, and master our learning goals.

3 months into Incubation! #Learnings from Quarter 1

As a part of the Incubation year support, we recently had our first Learning Circle with the 2023 cohort of Entrepreneurs in a hybrid way.

Karthikeyan runs the Sristi Village Foundation in Tamil Nadu. He works towards enabling children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to learn, grow, and become independent while being provided with nutritious food, shelter, and a supportive environment. He shares his experience of Incubation and key learnings from the past quarter.

Who am I as a Leader?

Shaheen recently took a session with our 2023 Entrepreneurs to enable them to identify their learning styles and explore the elements of leadership that can enable their people to grow in their Journeys. Here's one of the things she quoted!

Unleashing our true potential!

Last month, the entire TFIx team was immersed in a wonderful leadership opportunity facilitated by Nvisioning and Beyond Consulting (NVBC) to connect with self and others and learn the meta-skills and frameworks to unleash our true potential as individuals and team members. Listen to Nikita Bansal, Senior Manager, Program and Entrepreneur Partner, TFIx share her experience of feeling empowered as a leader post the workshop!


We live by our commitments and ensure they are aligned with our words and actions. We are honest with others and ourselves.

The Fellowships run by our Entrepreneurs provide opportunities to local youth to take ownership of SELF and OTHERS by leading the community around them so that even the most vulnerable child in INDIA can access an excellent, equitable education.


Anita is a Student Alumnus of Anandghar Fellowship, run by TFIx 2018 Entrepreneur, Adwait Dandwate. Anita was just 10 years old when she started coming to Anandghar. She was one of their first batch of students. Her father works as a sanitary worker, and her mother is a homemaker. Anita is the third child of her parents - the third before they gave birth to a boy. Having always faced neglect at home, she always demanded complete attention. On failure to provide her with the same, one would see Anita wailing or cursing her teachers. Being in Anandghar, surrounded by an environment that brought compassion in her, and not the survive mode, made her calm, confident, and expressive. When Anita joined Anandghar, her elder sister was married off at 15. With regular conversations with her parents, they agreed not to look for marriage prospects for their other daughters before they could turn 18. They let their second daughter Sunita, complete her 12th. As their mindset gradually shifted, they allowed Anita to pursue education post-12th. Anita is currently pursuing Bachelor of Arts from Jalgaon, and joined Anandghar as an Educator. Her role primarily revolves around teaching FLN to the younger students of Anandghar. Life has come to a full circle for Anita.
"I realized the crucial roles a teacher plays in shaping a student's perceptions and ambitions and decided to empower more Anitas like me."

Fellowship City Visit: Teach For India, Kolkata

To deepen their understanding of vision-action alignment, organizational structures, and the support ecosystem required to run a successful Fellowship program, we partnered with Teach For India, Kolkata, to create an in-person learning experience for our 2023 Entrepreneurs. Teach For India, Kolkata is TFI's newest area of operations, and hence, was more relatable to our Entrepreneurs' context, who are at a nascent stage of Fellowship designing. Entrepreneurs got a chance to experience the rich culture of the TFI Kolkata Team and rigorous operations on site.

They observed Teach For India classrooms and Program Manager (PM) - Fellow debrief (Debrief is a space for the Fellow to reflect on the class lesson and their journey after PM's observation).

Gaurav Dutt, City Director at Teach For India, Kolkata, enabled them to understand the purpose of a robust program design and a leader's role in holding the organization's culture.

They also organized spaces for Entrepreneurs to share their work and journey with TFI Fellows (budding future social-sector Entrepreneurs).
Entrepreneurs also got a chance to successfully explore the role of non-programmatic verticals in running a Fellowship program.

We are immensely grateful to the entire TFI Kolkata team for welcoming us to their sit, and creating a rigorous learning experience for our Entrepreneurs and team!

Networking Mela

During Learning Circle 1, we explored healthy collaborations with our partners - Involve Learning Solutions Foundation, Simple Education Foundation, Jai Vakeel Foundation, and Teach For India. With their vast experience in the Education sector, these four organizations joined us to present their Student Curriculum and interact with our Entrepreneurs to accelerate their learning.

Anna talks about her highlights from the session and how spaces like these multiply and deepen the impact of the collective.

Fellows - Our Entrepreneurs' ground Warriors!

During the Incubation year, our Entrepreneurs receive training, direct support, and leadership development that enables them to successfully launch a Fellowship program as part of their organization and/or community.

The Fellow Curriculum is specifically designed by TFIx Entrepreneurs for the personal & professional development of their Fellows. This is towards enabling them to implement balanced, varied, and effective teaching and learning methods for children that they reach.

Smitha, who facilitated the session with our Entrepreneurs shares her biggest takeaways from the space!


We’ll work in Partnership for a better India. We will understand inequity and its root causes, discover the truth of the world, live in harmony with the environment around us, and envision and create solutions for a better India.

Leadership India Needs

We believe that our Entrepreneurs' Fellows (Teachers/Leaders) are our equal partners in building the movement for educational equity. 'Leadership India Needs' is an initiative to document stories of leadership, resilience, and transformation emerging from various Fellowship Programs run by TFIx Entrepreneurs. We interacted with some Fellows across the country to understand their journey, challenges, and achievements.

Here is a short video from our conversation with Vrushabh, a Fellow Alumni of Learning Companions (incubated by TFIx in 2020). Vrushabh works with a vision to bring holistic education to children from the Bharwad community of rural Nagpur. He's now working as a Program Associate, directly facilitating learning experiences and leadership in Fellows who teach these children. Watch the video to learn more about his transformational impact journey!

"The Fellowship was not just about teaching but a sum total of experiences that fostered courage in me! My dreams are now focused on creating a broader impact. I hope to work closely with under-resourced tribal and rural communities to develop sustainable livelihoods."

"When you Teach with Love, you Lead with Love."

This Teacher's Day, let's celebrate the power of our Educators, who are leading India in the truest sense by enabling every child to utilize their potential to the fullest. Here are two of our Entrepreneurs' Students sharing how their teachers' belief and investment helped them to find a spot for themselves in this ever-changing world!

Tapping into our Focus Regions!

Our team recently explored untapped Uttar Pradesh and Bihar regions to meet with Entrepreneurs working in education with children from marginalized communities. Representatives from 19 organizations in Uttar Pradesh (UP) and 7 in Bihar joined. Entrepreneurs representing their work in various districts of UP and Bihar encompassed a rich tapestry of culture and presented unique challenges that demanded attention. Amidst the turbulence of caste-based violence and trauma and low literacy rates in these districts pushing generations into poverty, these Entrepreneurs have chosen to work towards developing these vulnerable communities through education. Some of these Entrepreneurs are willing to adopt a Fellowship model in their work to bring the leadership pipeline to their hometowns.
Our team also visited the Northeast to host a coffee chat with representatives from 5-6 organizations working in education with children from underserved communities. Our Entrepreneurs Ashadul from AsHa Trust (2023 Cohort) and Neeladri Bora from Northeast Centre for Equity Action on Integrated Development (2019 Cohort) also joined to share their experience designing and implementing a teaching Fellowship model on the ground.


Continuing to Strengthen our Alumni's Fellowships!

As a part of the Post-incubation support, we facilitate the ‘Sharing cum Learning Circle’ (SLC) with Entrepreneur Partners (Alumni). It is a space to celebrate their journeys so far, share their challenges as they run Fellowships in their contexts, draw synergies, and experience meaningful learning spaces on need-based topics that emerge from the groups.

SLC (2021 Cohort): We invited different Entrepreneur Partner orgs to share their Monitoring and Evaluation Frameworks, and drove space to brainstorm on their Fellowship M&E with Mentors (who have structured and exemplar Fellowship M&E frameworks in place).
SLC (2022 Cohort): We did Fellowship SWOT with Entrepreneur Partners (EPs), and drove space to brainstorm with Mentors from Curriculum, Monitoring and Evaluation, Fundraising, Recruitment a,nd Strategy domains. These mentors were a combination of TFIx EPs from different cohorts, and TFI staff who have expertise in respective domains.

We are looking for our 2024 Entrepreneurs!

We are working towards bringing leaders together to work and reach the last child collectively. We are on the lookout for our Cohort of 2024. As a part of Pre-Incubation Support, we are conducting different webinars for our potential Entrepreneurs to deepen their understanding of TFIx and the support we provide by hearing our TFIx Entrepreneurs share their journeys.

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