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Welcome to TAPA Network newsletter Issue 1. This will be a quarterly newsletter showcasing everything to do with ageing and physical activity in Lincolnshire. We hope you enjoy reading!

About TAPA Network

TAPA Network formed from a seminar series on physical activity as part of the Healthy Ageing Research Group (HARG) at the University of Lincoln. It became apparent that there was a strong interest in physical activity and ageing in Lincolnshire so we decided to establish an informal network of activity providers policy makers, researchers and older citizens to focus this topic. TAPA Network was formally launched in August 2022, and since its inception we have carried out research exploring the perceptions of older adults and others about the opportunities and barriers to being physically active in Lincolnshire. Full and summary reports were published in March 2023. Findings from the research were shared with partners and older citizens at the inaugural TAPA Network Showcase event which took place in March 2023. Presentations from activity providers and researchers combined with discussion groups made for a stimulating and exciting first event. Since its start, the network has been involved in ongoing research development, consultations and themed meetings and events.

Introducing TAPA Network Logo

Thank you to Network members who responded to our recent call for feedback about potential logo designs for TAPA Network. We collated the responses and based on your feedback, Logo 7 (with a slight modification) has been agreed as the logo for the Network.

We would also like to say a massive thank you to Amy Gillard from the University of Lincoln for meeting with us and helping design these logos.

Research Activities
  • Developing research on physical activity and ageing (June, 2023)
  • Developing Age-friendly principles - Hemingby Village Hall (July, 2023)
  • Deconditioning Project (July, 2023)
  • Older adult physical activity facilitator Knowledge, Skills, and Qualities (KSQ) project (August, 2023)

Developing research on physical activity and ageing

We welcomed over 25 citizens, activity providers, researchers and policy makers who attended an event in June to develop a research focus on physical activity and ageing. Discussions focussed on four key questions:

  1. How can a social movement that shifts current thinking on (and ultimately engagement with) physical activity among older adults be created?
  2. How can voluntary and professional networks of expertise be leveraged across multiple sectors to improve uptake, maintenance, and experiences of physical activity among older adults?;
  3. How can different environments support active living and create accessible and inclusive physical activity opportunities for older adults?; and
  4. How can collaborations across different sectors support the scale-up of physical activity interventions?

These important discussions were summarised and shared with everyone. They have subsequently been used to inform a research proposal to investigate older peoples’ use of green and blue spaces as opportunities for physical activity. The draft proposal will be shared later in September with members of TAPA who are involved in its development. We were grateful and overwhelmed by the fantastic support everyone gave to the event and the levels of interest.

Developing Age-friendly principles - Hemingby Village Hall

We welcomed 20 citizens, activity providers, and researchers who attended an event at Hemingby Village Hall in July 2023 to develop age-friendly principles to physical activity and older adults. Nine principles were generated and were then constructed into a set of narrative statements which align with these themed-principles. If you would like to provide any further comments on these age friendly principles you can click this link.

  • Principle 1 - Recognise and embrace the many meanings and aspirations that movement can have for older citizens.
  • Principle 2 - Movement can be a social activity and a place where you feel you belong.
  • Principle 3 - The costs of physical activity should be transparent and affordable (I.e., address financial barriers).
  • Principle 4 - Put older citizens at the heart of activity design, development, and evaluation.
  • Principle 5 - Think creatively about the places and spaces where movement and activity can take place.
  • Principle 6 - Being and feeling free to move in your own way.
  • Principle 7 - Communication, information, and messaging that is clear, accessible, and contains positive messages that embrace diversity.
  • Principle 8 - Inclusive, welcoming, and accessible spaces, groups, and initiatives
  • Principle 9 - Facilitators of movement should demonstrate the values, skills and knowledge which embrace the diversity of the population that they seek to serve.
Hemingby Village Hall - Developing Age Friendly principles

Deconditioning Project

Kirsten Guy and colleagues (Mo Ray, Rowena Burgess, Hannah Henderson, and Kate Holley), with fantastic support from Louise Marsh and the RELEC Group, have been working with older citizens, social care providers (Walnut Care; and The Old Hall Care Home), frailty specialist therapists in the community trust and primary care, and colleagues from Lincolnshire County Council. Whilst in its infancy, this early work is a patient and public involvement engagement (PPIE) project which is looking to explore the benefits of a training package for carers and interventions with older adults and the importance of physical activity and building this into their care plans. More information to follow in future newsletters.

Knowledge, Skills, and Qualities (KSQ) project

Between July-August 2023, Jo Blackwell and Tom George conducted four separate focus groups, two with older citizens and two with providers/facilitators of physical activity to explore the knowledge, skills, and qualities which are important in facilitating physical activity for older adults. The focus group recordings have been transcribed and coded, and are currently being written up into a final report. This will be shared in our second newsletter.

Academic Publications

Congratulations to colleagues from the University of Lincoln who have recently had their academic paper accepted with the Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation. The permanent web link will be accessible soon

Jackman, T., Cooke, S., Blackwell, J., George, T., and Middleton, G. (2023) Physical activity experiences of community-dwelling older adults with physical disabilities: A scoping review of qualitative research. Disability and Rehabilitation.

SAVE THE DATE - Wednesday 22nd November 2023

TAPA Network would like to welcome Professor Cassandra Phoenix from Durham University who will be guest speaking at the University of Lincoln on Wednesday 22nd November 2023 12-2pm University of Lincoln. More information to follow soon.

Network Member's Corner

In every newsletter we will provide a space for Network members to introduce themselves and share with us the work they are involved in relating to physical activity and movement for older adults in Lincolnshire.

Michael Morris (Chair) - Tonic Health

Tonic Health is a community health and wellbeing charity, based principally in Spalding, but covering South Holland and Boston. Formed in 2016, the charity now has three main sites in Spalding, Surfleet and Holbeach as well as delivering support groups from satellite centres further afield. Safe Places is our mental health project, providing peer support to people who are lonely, isolated and struggling with their mental wellbeing, and just in need of some company and support. Our team of community connectors work across the area of rural south Lincolnshire, aiming to bring people together. The project is funded by the Lincolnshire NHS Integration Care Board.

Dementia Support is for people with early onset/recently diagnosed dementia, and their carers/family members. Our Focus group is a weekly day care service from 10am to 4pm where people come together, take part in physical and mentally stimulating activities and share lunch. This also gives the carer (usually their spouse) some valuable respite. This project is funded by the National Lottery Community Fund. Our Movement 4Memory weekly dementia café is for carer and cared for and family members and includes seated exercise, guest speakers and activities.

SociABLEs a twice-weekly group for adults with SEND and additional needs. They utilise the whole of our Holbeach site, taking part in sports and activities in the sports hall, arts and crafts, gaming in our Lightspeed Broadband digital den, gardening and food-based activities. This project is funded by Shine Lincolnshire.

We also run weekly youth clubs from our Holbeach site. Tonic 44 community hub in Surfleet runs a café open to the public from Wednesdays through to Sundays.

All our facilities are available for external hire and a number of local community groups are based from our sites, giving us that community support for organisations and individuals.

What is going on in your community?

This section, 'does exactly what is says on the tin', if there is something that is going on in your community related to physical activity and ageing in Lincolnshire that you would like to share with us at TAPA Network please do let us know and we will promote this here. You can also find more activities and groups via Connect to Support and Let's Move Lincolnshire activity finder.

  • One You Lincolnshire - One You Lincolnshire's Strength and Balance Service is for clients aged 65+ who are deemed at risk of falls by their health care professional. The programme is 24 weeks long, consisting of an hour of gentle, progressive strength and balance exercises followed by half an hour social time. This is a county wide service funded through Lincolnshire county council, so if you feel this service will benefit you- speak to your GP about a referral to the strength and balance service.
  • Everyone Active - Healthy Ageing Programme at Market Rasen Leisure Centre. Team Leader Aaron Coy ( 01673 842695). Sessions are Thursday 10:30-11:30. Class is free for members and £3 for non-members. Three different classes which alternate each week: 1) Stretch and sculpt class (15 minutes of cardio, 15 minutes of weights/ core conditioning, 15 mins stretch and yoga exercises); 2) Low intensity circuit class; 3) Seated exercise class. These activities focus on low-impact movements, which support clients improve strength, balance, coordination, and physical fitness. Another key aspect is they all include a level of psycho-social engagement, which is key to good mental and emotional wellbeing. Wellbeing Walks in partnership with the Lincolnshire Co-op on Monday 09:30. and I note from Facebook that there is to be a new Zumba Gold will be added to the Healthy Ageing Programme from 5th September on Tuesdays 10:00-10:45. Walking Netball Wednesday 1:00-2:00 at Gainsborough, Thursday afternoons at Market Rasen. Walking cricket at both sites (we welcome all abilities). Other programmes include Care Homes, Healthy Ageing Activities, Health Walks, Walking Sports, Community Café’s, Exercise Referral, Social Prescribing, Cancer 'Fighting Fit' Rehab Programme (See photos below)
  • Age UK Lincoln and South Lincolnshire - Sapphire Strolls is a walking group where you can take a leisurely stroll around one of the many scenic parks with plenty of benches in Lincolnshire; followed by a well-earned cup of tea (Thursdays in Spalding and Bourne, Fridays in Lincoln). Physical activities at the Park Street Centre - Monday - Line Dancing; Tuesday - Zumba and Tai Chi; Wednesday - Dance and Fitness; Thursday - Yoga; Friday - Pilates. More information please call 03455 564144. Stroll Line Dancing Class. Looking to keep fit and have fun? Come and enjoy our easy to follow dances and have an afternoon boogie, at your pace! Monday afternoons in Boston. To book call 03455 564144.
  • Lincolnshire Coop/ Ramblers - Wellbeing Walks - For more information please click the link to find walks in your area.
  • Tonic Health - Movement 4Memory - Tonic Health Dementia Café. This runs every Wednesday, 130-330pm from Tonic Health’s Spalding site (6 Broadgate House, Westlode Street, Spalding PE11 2AF). The group is open to people with early onset/ recently diagnosed dementia, their partner/carer and family members. Each session includes a 20minute seated exercise activity, followed by (well earned!) refreshments and then followed by a speaker/activity exercise. The aim of the group is to bring people affected by dementia together with the value of peer support, and to encourage movement and activity between them all. The seated exercise session is delivered by a qualified personal trainer. No need to book, just drop in, more information on website and or calling 01775 725059.

We bid farewell to Dr Jo Blackwell - Well not exactly!

As many of you know Jo has been an integral part of TAPA Network and the University of Lincoln. In October Jo will be joining Active Lincolnshire, a network member, as Head of development for communities and wellbeing. Therefore, while Jo is leaving the university she will still play an integral role in the Network. On behalf of the Network we wish Jo well and we equally look forward to working with her in her new role. Jo has been a fantastic colleague at the University of Lincoln and we have all valued her knowledge, expertise, and wonderful local knowledge.

In collaboration with:
  • University of Lincoln
  • Lincolnshire Community and Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS)
  • United Lincolnshire's Hospital NHS Trust (ULHT)
  • Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation NHS Trust (LPFT)
  • Age UK Lincoln and South Lincolnshire (Age UK LSL)
  • Lighthouse Community Group (Louth)
  • YMCA Lincolnshire
  • Hemingby Village Hall
  • Evergreen Care
  • Radfield Homecare
  • Tonic Health
  • Lincolnshire Voluntary Engagement Team (LVET)
  • Voluntary Centre Services (VCS)
  • Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service (LCVS)
  • Lincolnshire Coop/ Ramblers Society
  • Active Lincolnshire and Lets Move Lincolnshire
  • HWLincs
  • ACIS Group Ltd
  • South Kesteven District Council (SKDC)
  • GLL and North Kesteven District Council (NKDC)
  • Magna Vitae and East Lindsey District Council (ELDC)
  • Everyone Active and West Lindsey District Council (WLDC)
  • Centre for Ageing Better and Lincolnshire County Council (LCC)
  • One You Lincolnshire (OYL)
  • Homecare Services (Unique Lincoln)
  • Darkside Rising CIC
  • Alford Hub
  • Pachamana CIC
  • Carers First
  • Polio Survivors Network
  • National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)
  • NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board (ICB)
  • Great Northern Physiotherapy
  • Connect to Support