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Welcome, Gamma Parents! We're glad you are here! Get comfy, and we'll get started soon.

Where are we going?

Overview of Gamma goals and progress this first semester
A short report from the content areas
Some time to ask questions about any of the above topics

Gamma Goals

  • Continue to work on "growth mindset"
  • The balancing act of rigor (AKA Finding that "Goldilocks" amount of struggle!)
  • More independence in general, along with navigating their own Google drive (along with digital citizenship & safety mini-lessons)
  • More opportunities to practice interpersonal negotiations and conflict resolution

WHippermathers Update

You can visit whenever your child needs a short math refresher!
  • Continue to offer differentiated instruction so kids have chance to remediation and extension
  • Fact fluency would be a huge to boost for many a Gammas math confidence, speed and accuracy
  • Blending non-standard and standard algorithms
  • Critical thinking "math buffet" sheets to promote higher-level logic ($)

Math Fact Home Practice Will Now Pay Gamma Bucks! You can just initial a "Just the Facts" ticket and I'll "pay" big bucks for getting more fluent!

In the News in Language ARts

  • How is spelling practice going?
  • Looking ahead towards our biography writing unit
  • What do we do in our ELA block?
  • Quality vs. quantity as part of the Gamma writing transition

Literacy Stations

  • See students in a more academically focused small groups
  • Groups will focus on word work, fluency & comprehension
  • Kid rotate through two of 3 stations, for 20 minutes each
  • Ever mindful of developmentally normal tendency to rank/compare there is no emphasis on leveling for these groups

Let's Explore Theme!

Quarter 1 Topic: Chemistry
Quarter 2 Topic: Indigenous People of The americas
Quarter 3 Topic: Geology & Earth Science
Quarter 4 Topic: Ancient Africa


Zipper feasting on a fancy bone purchased with my b-day gift card!

What Questions have we created? We've got time to chat!
