Principal Encouragement

In our longitudinal research of the New Teacher Induction Program here in Ontario ongoing feedback and encouragement from the principal was the strongest predictor of growth for new teachers. This speaks to the power of listening, the power of encouragement, and the ability of the principal to be a meaningful piece of a mentoring web for a new teacher.

Just as we ask who mentors the mentors, we might also ask who encourages our principals?

This glideshow provides practical examples of how principals can embed the foundational elements of mentorship as they build learning focused relationships in support of educators and ultimately students.

Creating a Mentoring Web
  • Introducing new teachers to multiple mentors in their school
  • Helping connect new teachers to mentors beyond their school with experience related to their specific teaching context (e.g., French as a Second Language [FSL], Indigenous Language Education, Special Education)

Resources to Support Mentoring Webs

Building Trust

Resources to Support Building Trust

Facilitating Learning Focused Conversations
  • Demonstrating flexibility of stance and role (consultant, collaborator, coach) based on the needs of each person
  • Deepening understanding of challenges specific to particular teaching contexts

Resources to Support Learning Focused Conversations

Providing Meaningful Feedback
  • Being available for ongoing questions, conversations and feedback
  • Utilizing protocols like scaling questions and appreciative inquiry to help new teachers reflect on practice, build confidence and develop efficacy

Resources to Support Meaningful Feedback

Utilizing Powerful Mentoring Designs
  • Facilitating opportunities for new teachers and mentors to engage in classroom observation and debriefing in their own school or other schools
  • Allocating time and resources to support collaboration with multiple mentors

Resources to Support Powerful Mentoring Designs