
Mapplewell Primary School Autumn 1 - 2023

A message from Mr.Garrood...

As a parent myself currently looking for a Primary School for my eldest son, it has made me reflect on the importance of home/school relationships. I would just like to take this opportunity to say what a massive privilege it is to be a part of the Mapplewell community. I take pride in making sure I walk around the school every morning (have been known to duck out when it is sideways raining), and the warm greetings I receive by hundreds of pupils, parents and carers remind me everyday why working in a primary school is the best job in the world! Thank you for your ongoing support.

KS2 Results 2023:

This table might not mean much to you at first glance. But to be one of the best performing schools in Barnsley is something that we are incredibly proud of! These numbers and figures are years in the making, and are only possible through consistent teaching from Early Years through to Year 6. However, as a school we recognise that primary school is not just about passing exams, and the rest of this document will show the amazing opportunities pupils get to experience every single day!

Mapplewell Points Winners

To start the year off we looked back at those pupils who had earned the most Mapplewell points last year. It was easy to see pupils were motivated to earn even more points this year!

Sheffield Children's Hospital

We have many families who have benefitted from the amazing services provided from Sheffield Children's Hospital. So this year, we are going to be taking every opportunity to raise funds for an amazing cause so dear to our hearts! We raised an incredible amount of money from our non-uniform day, thank you for your generous donations. Watch this space as we will be continuing our fund raising efforts all the way up to March 2024!

Owl Babies

Pupils in reception were lucky enough to hold some owls and see some magnificent birds of prey! One even landed on Mrs.Bailey's head! I was very relieved it didn't land on me!

It also inspired the pupils to create some beautiful paintings!

Ramp Up

Our Y6 pupils were luck enough to take part in a session where they got to use different bikes and scooters and challenge themselves on the ramps! (Obviously the two biggest kids in school, Mr. Hastey and Mr. Hart enjoyed it too!)


Another hugely successful TTROCKSTARS day was enjoyed by all! Some amazing costumes and more pupils inspired to get even better at their times tables!

Reading Ambassadors and School Council

This year we are giving even more opportunities for our school councillors to be involved in wider aspects of helping the school. Well don't to those appointed, it was very difficult to choose! We have launched a brand new initiative at Mapplewell, selecting pupils who are passionate about all things reading, to support and encourage others. From lunch time reading sessions, to accompanying younger children to Mapplewell and Staincross Library, they have been extremely helpful! Thank you to Mrs.Wilkinson who has gone above and beyond to make the new initiative a success!


We were lucky enough to have Shoany come in and give us all a lesson in Karate! She also gave us a demonstration to show us how she will be competing blindfolded in the World Championships! We are all behind you Shoany - GOOD LUCK!

Sport at Mapplewell

We have entered the same sporting competition programme as last year run by Pro - Active School performance. This means that we are able to expose pupils every Friday to a wide variety of competitive sports! Well sone to all pupils who have competed so far!

We held a special sporting assembly to recognise a truly amazing sporting achievement. Steve Gates came in to school to present Caelan with a prestigious red tie to show he will be representing Barnsley school district in future competitions. Something that was once worn by England International John Stones!

Celebrating our love of Reading!

At Mapplewell we love reading! This half term we have enjoyed amazing virtual author visits arranged by Read in Holmfirth. We even got to here from Matt Lucas! We all celebrated Roald Dahl day by reading a snippet from our Teacher's favourite book.And some of us have enjoyed getting involved in the reading challenge! Look out for our monthly reading newsletter!

Robin Wood

As always our annual trip to Robin wood gave pupils opportunities to get out of their comfort zone and succeed in ways they never have before! All pupils and staff had an amazing experience that they will never forget! A massive thank you to Mr.Hart, Mr.Hastey, Miss Clayton and Miss Trainer! If we did not have staff willing to give up their own time then the trip would not be able to run - so thank you!

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What an action packed first half term! There have been so many things going on at Mapplewell, and so much to celebrate! I hope you all enjoy half term and when we come back we will be gearing up for Christmas! Keep you eyes peeled for the bulletin for all Christmas events!
