This program guide contains information candidates need in order to participate in the Infor Certification Program.
- Why get Infor certified?
- Exam guides
- Coupon codes
- Exam delivery options
- Online proctored exams
- Onsite proctored exams
- Beta exam process
- Test results email
- Reattempting failed exams
- Exam scoring policy
- Infor Certification badges
- Maintaining certification status
- Preparing for an upcoming certification expiration
- Certification Candidate Agreement
- Questions and help
Why get Infor certified?
The Infor® Certification Program is an industry-standard in excellence designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to master Infor solutions. Each certification exam is role-based and includes a unique set of prescribed criteria, levels, and checkpoints to deepen your knowledge and validate proficiency.
Benefits of being a certified professional
A certified workforce has undeniable benefits for an entire organization. You will have the proven skills and be empowered to work smarter and faster, and deliver more impactful business outcomes.
Employee career development: Infor certification validates your expertise in using Infor products. This ensures you meet the requirements needed for your role and responsibilities while driving positive career growth.
Showcase expertise with certified digital badges: With the wide variety of Infor certified badges, as a certified professional, you can showcase and celebrate your achievements within your organization and in the marketplace. It increases your professional credibility and demonstrates a great validation of knowledge and skills earned.
Exam guides
Each exam has a corresponding exam guide that includes exam details, related training and documentation list, and exam topics and objectives. To view the list of available certification exams and access the exam guides:
- Navigate to the Infor Certifications menu in Infor U Campus.
- Select a product group from the Certification Exam Guides section to view the list of exam guides.
- Click an exam guide name to access the corresponding exam guide.
- Click the exam guide name to open the exam guide.
- Review each section of the exam guide to help you prepare for taking the exam.
Coupon codes
Coupon codes are available for select audiences. Access your coupon code, if applicable, before registering for an exam:
- Campus Plus members: Refer to the Campus Plus Newsletter to obtain your coupon code or send an email to
- Infor partners: Obtain your coupon code here.
- Infor employees: Obtain your coupon code on the Infor U Credentialing and Certifications internal SharePoint page in the Infor Employee Certification Exam Coupon Code section.
Exam delivery options
Certification exams are available either online or onsite at a Kryterion testing center. You have the option of choosing the exam delivery method that works best with your testing needs.
To determine if your system meets the requirements for online testing, perform a System Check. Infor recommends choosing an Onsite Proctored exam if you do not have access to the following: a computer that meets all the system requirements, a quiet and uninterrupted testing environment, and reliable, high-speed internet.
Online proctored exams
Online proctored exam - system set up
- Perform a System Check to ensure your computer meets the requirements for online testing.
- Review Online Testing Requirements: What You Need to Know for information on system requirements, internet connection requirements, and additional considerations.
- Review How to Launch an Online Proctored (OLP) Exam for information on how to launch an exam or assessment, biometric authentication, video camera preview page and camera position, exam pre-check process, and your testing environment requirements.
- Review How to Install the Respondus Secure Browser
- Visit this Kryterion support page if you have additional questions.
Online proctored exams - exam registration
- Obtain your coupon code before registering for an exam.
- Log in to Webassessor or create a new account if you don't already have one.
- Click REGISTER FOR AN EXAM in the blue menu bar.
- Expand a product catalog to see the exams available in that catalog.
- Click Select next to the Online Proctored option for the exam you want to attempt.
- Select your preferred date and time to attempt the exam. (Test centers set their own testing schedules.)
- Read and accept the Terms and Conditions and then click Select.
- If you have a coupon code, enter the code and click Apply.
- If the exam details are correct, click Checkout.
- If using a credit card, enter your credit card information and click Submit.
- After confirming payment, click Done. You will receive a confirmation email.
Online proctored exams - launch and exam pre-check
Use the following steps to launch an online proctored exam. You will be required to complete an Online Proctored Exam Pre-Check which involves ID verification and testing environment room pan. Plan for extra time to perform the pre-check. The pre-check process does not impact the exam duration and time allotted to complete your exam. Review these Kryterion help pages for more information:
- How to Prepare for an Online Proctored Exam Pre-Check
- How to Launch an Online Proctored (OLP) Exam
- Performing a Webcam Room Check
- Log in to Webassessor.
- Click My Assessments.
- Click Launch for the exam you want to attempt. Webassessor displays a splash page with further instructions for the check-in process using your mobile device.
- After verification that your name on your ID matches the name in your Webassessor account and your testing environment is suitable, the pre-check is complete and you will be allowed into your exam.
Note: The pre-check is not recorded. The online proctoring recording starts after you begin your exam. If you experience internet or video issues during the pre-check process, your video feed may not be transmitted properly, even if you still see yourself in the video window. Kryterion support will work with you to correct the issue.
Online proctored exams - testing environment requirements
- Certification exams are closed book. No notes, books, additional laptops, mobile phones, or other devices are allowed during an exam. Your room should be well lit, quiet, and free of distractions.
- Your immediate surroundings should be clutter-free. There is only one active computer, one active monitor, one keyboard, and one mouse allowed.
- You cannot wear a lanyard, badge, hat, watch, or jewelry. (Remove them before the exam starts.)
- You may not interact with anyone – aside from online support staff – during your exam.
- You may not use dual monitors.
- Do not lean out of the camera view during the exam. A proctor must be able to see you at all times.
- Cell phones and smart watches are not permitted in the testing area.
- Reading the exam out loud is prohibited.
- Common behaviors not allowed during an exam, and that could cause exam suspension, include:
- Looking down, left, right, or up. Eyes need to be on the computer monitor at all times.
- Having other individuals in the room when taking the exam. No interaction with other individuals is allowed, such as signaling, talking, or looking towards.
- Moving out of your testing location or moving out of video camera view. Breaks are not allowed.
- Reading the questions out loud (or moving your lips to read).
- Taking notes during the exam.
Note: If the testing environment, system set-up, or behavior are not satisfactory, you will receive instructions to help you correct the issue(s). After Kryterion approves the adjustments, your exam will resume.
- Clear your desktop of all materials and devices prior to the exam.
- Ensure pets are closed off in another room.
- Ensure your allotted test time will be uninterrupted by others.
- Ensure your test location is quiet.
- Practice reading questions to yourself without moving your lips.
- If you need to pause and think, try closing your eyes while still facing the monitor.
Onsite proctored exams
Onsite proctored exams - exam registration
- Obtain your coupon code before registering for an exam.
- Log in to Webassessor, or create a new account if you don't already have one.
- Click REGISTER FOR AN EXAM in the blue menu bar.
- Expand a product catalog to see the exams available in that catalog.
- Click Select next to the Onsite Proctored option for the exam you want to attempt.
- Search for a test center or choose one of the closest test centers listed and click Select.
- Select your preferred date and time to attempt the exam. (Test centers set their own testing schedules.)
- Read and accept the Terms and Conditions and then click Select.
- If you have a coupon code, enter the code and click Apply.
- If the exam details are correct, click Checkout.
- If using a credit card, enter your credit card information and click Submit.
- After confirming payment, click Done. You will receive a confirmation email with your Test Taker Authorization Code and additional onsite details.
Onsite proctored exams - testing center requirements
- Ensure you have your Test Authorization Code with you when you arrive at the test center. You cannot attempt your exam without the Test Authorization Code, and no refund will be provided.
- Arrive at the test center at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled exam. Parking and other test center specific instructions are included in your confirmation email.
Review the following links to learn more:
Beta exam process
As part of a new exam development process, we must gather data on the exam to determine how well it is performing. We accomplish this by first releasing a beta version of the exam. The process of attempting a beta exam is slightly different from live, production exams. Please note some key differences:
- You will not receive a score report or test results email immediately after taking your beta exam.
- Beta exams do not yet have a passing score set.
- The passing score is set after the results of all the beta exams are analyzed.
- You will receive your score results after the beta exam period closes, usually 4-6 weeks after completing your exam.
- Beta exams have more questions than production exams. For Associate-level exams, the beta exam is approximately 50 questions. For all other exams, the beta exams are approximately 100 questions.
- You are allowed more time to complete beta exams (60 minutes for Associate-level exams, 120 minutes for all other exams).
- Some exam questions are discarded based on an analysis of the beta exam results. Discarded questions do not count towards your final score.
- You may attempt a beta exam only once. If you do not pass, you will be able to attempt the production version of the exam.
- A comment box is available for each question on the beta exam. Please use it to provide feedback on errors, inconsistencies, or other issues you notice on the beta exam.
Test results email
After completing and submitting your exam in Webassessor, you will receive an email from Kryterion with your exam results. The results will include the following:
- Name of the exam/assessment
- Date Completed
- Total score (percent)
- Result (Pass/Fail)
- Percent Correct by Exam Topic
If you passed, you will be able to accept your badge in Credly 24 hours after receiving the Test Results email. You will receive an additional email from Credly when the badge is available for you to accept.
Reattempting failed exams
- If you pass, you may not attempt the same exam again.
- You may attempt a Beta exam only one time.
- If you fail a Production exam, you may reattempt the same exam within these guidelines:
- If you fail your first attempt, you must wait 5 days to attempt an exam a second time.
- If you fail your second attempt, you must wait 10 days to attempt an exam a third time.
- If you fail your third attempt, you must wait 30 days for each subsequent attempt.
- Infor reserves the right to disallow any reattempts of the same exam at any time.
Exam scoring policy
Infor does not share passing score thresholds for our certification exams. Exam passing scores are ascertained through quantitative data analysis. As such, passing scores for each exam are set independently, subject to review, and may vary from exam to exam.
Infor Certification badges
Infor uses the digital badging platform, Credly, to administer and deliver your digital badges. Credly provides robust badging options for you to showcase your Infor knowledge and skills mastered through formal and informal learning.
You can share individual badges through social media and share a link to your Credly profile with an Infor email signature.
How to access your badges
Create a Credly account using the instructions provided here, or click the link sent to you from Credly. Sign-in to Credly with the credentials you’ve created. After signing-in, you will see your badge(s) in the Credly platform. Accept your badge and start sharing! For additional how to tutorials, use the following links:
- Create your Credly account
- Claim your Infor badge
- Receive badge notification emails
- Enable badge auto-accept
- Manage and share your badge
Maintaining certification status
Infor’s certification program and expiry policy are designed to:
- Ensure your knowledge and skills are up to date with the latest product features and best practices.
- Enable you, your customers, and Infor to easily identify individuals with the appropriate certification and capabilities to perform a task or role.
- Align with industry standards and foster a culture of learning and excellence.
- Preserve the value of certifications by ensuring they reflect current technology and industry requirements.
Your certification will be valid for two years (24 months) from the date you earned the certification. To maintain your certification status, you must register, pay for, and pass the required equivalent replacement exam every two years. If you do not pass the required equivalent replacement exam, you will lose your certification status.
You will be notified via email from Credly 60 days prior to certification expiration, if/when any of your certifications will be expired. If you want to review your upcoming expirations, refer to the How to prepare for an upcoming certification expiration? section.
Note: Infor does not grant certification status exemptions to candidates with legacy certification status. The only way to achieve your certification status is by passing the required certification exam. The only way to maintain your certification status is to pass the equivalent replacement exam(s), when required.
Expired/retired exams
To keep Infor certifications and exams relevant, we regularly review, update, and replace exams. As part of this process, Infor may expire or retire exams.
Expired exams: The previous version of an updated exam is considered expired and is no longer valid for you to maintain your certification status. Unless you have successfully passed the equivalent replacement exam, you will lose your certification status.
Expired certification badges: Expired certifications display in your Credly profile, flagged as expired. You can set the badge to private if you do not want the expired badge to appear on your public profile.
Retired exams: Exams that are no longer current and will not be updated are considered retired. You will no longer be able to register for retired exams in Webassessor, as they can no longer be attempted. However, the certification earned may still be valid, and Infor may allow you to maintain individual certification status for that exam. Note: In some cases, Infor may require you to pass a comparable exam to maintain your organization’s certification status.
Preparing for an upcoming certification expiration
To prepare for an upcoming certification expiration, complete the following:
Review and update your Webassessor account information
- Log in to Webassessor.
- Click Edit Profile at the top of the page.
- Verify your personal or work email address displays in the Email Address field.
- Verify your work email address displays in the Your Work Email field.
- Verify your company name displays in the Company Name field.
- Verify the correct company type displays in the Company Type field. The options are as follows: Infor partners: Infor partner; Infor customers: Infor customer; Infor employees: Infor / Infor Subsidiary
- Do one of the following in the Softrax ID/HCM ID# field: Enter your Softrax ID if you are a partner or enter your HCM # if you are an employee.
- Click Save.
Review and update your Credly account information
- Sign in to Credly.
- Click the profile icon and select Settings. Verify the email addresses listed in the Email Addresses section are the same as the email addresses in your Webassessor account. Note: If you have more than one Credly account and would like to import badges and email addresses from that account, refer to the Credly instructions for merging accounts.
Review Webassessor for expiring certifications
- Log in to Webassessor.
- Click My Assessments at the top of the page.
- In the Completed Exams section, review the date in the Date Completed column for each exam. Any certification included in the expiry policy and completed two years or more prior to January 1, 2025 will expire.
Review Credly for expiring certification badges
- Sign in to Credly.
- Click the profile icon and select Badges.
- Click each badge listed and review the date the badge was issued. Any badge included in the expiry policy and issued two years or more prior to the program rollout date will expire at program rollout.
- To email a transcript and review it for certification badges expiring, click the profile icon and select Send Transcript.
- Complete the following fields on the Send your digital academic transcript form: First Name, Last Name, Institution or Organization, Recipient Email, and Subject.
- Click Continue.
- Click Send to email the transcript.
- Open the email you receive, download the PDF file of the transcript, and review the Issued on date for each certification badge. Note: Any badge included in the expiry policy and issued two years or more prior to January 1, 2025 will expire.
Certifications included in the two-year expiry policy
Certifications NOT currently included in the two-year expiry policy
Not every certification is included in the expiry policy due to age of certification and available replacement. Any certification not included will roll into the program at a later date and notifications will be sent at that time.
Certification Candidate Agreement
You will be presented with, and must agree to, the Certification Candidate Agreement for every exam in Webassessor. For your reference, the Infor Certification Program Candidate Agreement can be found here.
For questions related to Infor Certification, email:
Questions and help
Additional Infor Certification Program information is available at and Infor U Campus.
If you have certification program questions, contact
If you experience any issues when registering for or taking a certification exam, contact Kryterion Candidate Support.
Additional information about Infor U training courses is available at If you need help registering for an Infor training course, contact
Legal Notice
Copyright © 2024 Infor. All Rights Reserved.
Important notices
The material contained in this publication (including any supplementary information) constitutes and contains confidential and proprietary information of Infor.
By gaining access to the attached, you acknowledge and agree that the material (including any modification, translation or adaptation of the material) and all copyright, trade secrets and all other right, title and interest therein, are the sole property of Infor and that you shall not gain right, title or interest in the material (including any modification, translation or adaptation of the material) by virtue of your review thereof other than the non-exclusive right to use the material solely in connection with and the furtherance of your license and use of software made available to your company from Infor pursuant to a separate agreement, the terms of which separate agreement shall govern your use of this material and all supplemental related materials ("Purpose").
In addition, by accessing the enclosed material, you acknowledge and agree that you are required to maintain such material in strict confidence and that your use of such material is limited to the Purpose described above. Although Infor has taken due care to ensure that the material included in this publication is accurate and complete, Infor cannot warrant that the information contained in this publication is complete, does not contain typographical or other errors, or will meet your specific requirements. As such, Infor does not assume and hereby disclaims all liability, consequential or otherwise, for any loss or damage to any person or entity which is caused by or relates to errors or omissions in this publication (including any supplementary information), whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident or any other cause.
Without limitation, U.S. export control laws and other applicable export and import laws govern your use of this material and you will neither export or re-export, directly or indirectly, this material nor any related materials or supplemental information in violation of such laws or use such materials for any purpose prohibited by such laws.
This document is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute a commitment to you in any way. The information, products, and services described herein are subject to change at any time without notice.
If you are taking this Certification because you are employed by a company who is an active member of Infor’s Partner Network in good standing (an “Infor Partner Employer”), then, subject to appropriate confidentiality obligations, you authorize Infor to share details about your Certification Designations with your Infor Partner Employer.
Trademark acknowledgements
The word and design marks set forth herein are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Infor and/or related affiliates and subsidiaries. All rights reserved. All other company, product, trade, or service names referenced may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners.