Uploading Video Templates to Contributor Portal Guidelines for Adobe Stock Contributors
The Contributor Portal is now accepting video templates submissions in a limited capacity. Access to submit templates via the Contributor Portal is on an invitation only basis.
On this page:
Submission Guidelines: Templates Requirements | Metadata Requirements
Contributor Portal: Uploading Templates | Uploading Templates via SFTP | Uploading Metadata | Uploading Releases | Not Accepted Files
Submission Guidelines
Before you begin uploading templates to the Contributor Portal, make sure your templates adhere to the following requirements below.
Templates File Requirements
Every template should be packaged as a .zip with the following 3 elements for all three template types. That said, each template type has certain differences:
1. Template Type:
Motion Graphics Template Files
- Motion Graphic Templates must be a .mogrt
- MoGRTs must be under 300 MB in filesize (for larger files see SFTP Uploads below)
- Must be HD: 1920px X 1080px
- 4K or Vertical not accepted
After Effect Template Files
- After Effect Templates must be .aet
- AET must be under 2 GB in filesize (for larger files see SFTP Uploads below)
- 4K and Vertical formats accepted
- 4K Dimensions: 3840px X 2160px
- Vertical Dimensions: HD - 1080px X 1920px / 4K - 2160px X 3840px
- Must include Tutorial Folder that includes a video guide file or a text guide file
- Assets or Footage folder is optional
- Customer Zip must be inside the Main Portal Upload Zip file
Premiere Pro Template Files
- Premiere Pro Templates must be .prproj
- PPT must be under 2 GB in filesize (for larger files see SFTP Uploads below)
- 4K and Vertical formats accepted
- 4K Dimensions: 3840px X 2160px
- Vertical Dimensions: HD - 1080px X 1920px / 4K - 2160px X 3840px
- Must include Tutorial Folder that includes a video guide file or a text guide file
- Assets or Footage folder is optional
- Customer Zip must be inside the Main Portal Upload Zip file
2. Thumbnail Image:
- Must be named Thumbnail.jpg (case-sensitive)
- Must be .jpg
- HD Width: 1920px X 1080px
- Must accurately depict the template
- Do not place preview assets in folder
3. Preview Video:
- Must be named with the same descriptive title as your template project
- Must be .mp4
- HD Width: 1920px X 1080px
- Must be 60 seconds or less
- Must accurately depict the template
- Do not place preview assets in folder
Other Assets
4K and Vertical AET and PrPro Templates Preview Assets:
- Preview video and thumbnail MUST be the same resolution depending on the resolution of your template's main comp / sequence (i.e. if template is 4K preview assets have to be 3840x2160)
- Vertical Dimensions: HD - 1080px X 1920px / 4K - 2160px X 3840px
Tutorial Assets:
- Tutorial guides must be either in video or text form
- Accepted formats are: .mp4 for videos and .txt or .jpg for text files
- Must be inside their own folder
- Folder has to be named “Tutorial”
Pre-Rendered Media within Templates:
- For video, format can be .mov (ProRes / H.264) or .mp4 (H.264)
- For still images, format can be .png, .jpg, or .tiff
- Please note, when using highres assets you project file will be heavier
- All pre-rendered assets must be created by you or have the adequate usage rights.
- If needed you can provide a property release [link]
Do not include spaces in filenames - including in the template file, .jpg files, .mp4 files, .zip file, or in the metadata CSV form.
Contributor Portal
Uploading Templates
Follow these steps to navigate to the Contributor Portal and upload your templates.
Step 1: Log into your Contributor Portal using your Adobe Stock Contributor account info.
Step 2: Click on the Upload button on the upper right corner - you will now be able to drag and drop your templates files for upload.
Note that Video Templates Guidelines will not appear in the panel on the right as templates submissions are still invite-only.
Step 3: Templates uploaded successfully will appear in the view. You may also find previously uploaded, but un-submitted templates under the Uploaded Files section. Note that these templates will appear with a red dot on the lower right corner of each thumbnail, indicating that it cannot be submitted until metadata has been added.
Please note: For After Effects and Premiere Pro template, you will need to provide the app version that your projects were created in.
- Once the template successfully uploads the app version will default to v22
- Use the dropdown in the right hand panel of your contributor portal to change the app version to the appropriate one
- The highlighted "Version compatibility" text in red will be relabeled to display the text as "App version"
- You will need to provide the accurate app version in order to submit your template
Premiere Pro template sample on Adobe Stock.com
If your template fails to upload, review the Templates File Requirements above to find and fix what may be the issue.
Uploading Templates via SFTP
For template files larger than 45 MB, you may upload these templates via the SFTP method.
Step 1: Click on the Upload button on the upper right corner. Beneath the Drag & Drop dialog, you will notice that "You can also import files using your SFTP." Click on Learn more.
Step 2: Following the instructions listed by installing your own SFTP client and click on Generate password. Enter these credentials into the SFTP client to start uploading your .zip files.
Note that both the ID and the Generated Password this will be unique to your account.
Templates uploaded successfully will appear in the New section under Uploaded Files. Note that these templates will appear with a red dot on the lower right corner of each thumbnail, indicating that it cannot be submitted until metadata has been added.
Metadata Requirements
Every template needs metadata associated with the file. Use the contributor portal interface to fill out all the relevant metadata for your templates, including:
- File Type
- Categories
- App Version (displayed as Version compatibility)
- Language
- Titles
- Keywords
Optional Workflow
Some required fields in the Contributor Portal can also be submitted with a metadata form to help speed up the submission process. Use the metadata form for the Contributor Portal and follow the instructions.
Some .csv files exported from Excel mav not be able to be uploaded to due to regional settings. If you are not located in the U.S. and you experience an error after uploading your .csv file, try re-saving using LibreOffice.
Acceptable CSV Formats
- CSV UTF - 8 (Comma delimited) (.csv)
- Comma Separated Value (.csv)
Uploading a CSV Metadata Sheet
Once you have some template files uploaded in the Contributor Portal, you can apply metadata to them all at once using the Contributor Portal Metadata Form saved as a .csv file.
(Note: this document is designed specifically for use in the Contributor Portal and it is different than the original metadata form for submissions uploaded to Dropbox.)
There are two versions of the form, the original Excel Contributor Portal Metadata form and a Google Sheets Contributor Portal Metadata Form version. The Excel version should work for most template contributors. However some contributors located outside of North America, may have regional settings on their computer that will prevent the .csv from being uploaded in the portal. In that case use the Google Sheets version of the doc and follow the instructions in the 2nd tab.
Step 1: Fill out the metadata form and make sure you follow the instructions listed in the Instructions tab. Keep an eye out for the following:
- Filename: The filenames should match the .zip filenames you have uploaded. This is how metadata will be applied to the correct files.
- Keywords: We will not auto-keyword your templates in the Contributor Portal. However, you can refer to Keywords in Metadata Requirements to get recommendations on what types of keywords to add to your template, and in what order.
- Template Category: Use the correct corresponding number for each category. Refer to Template Categories if you need more guidance on which category to select for each template. (Note: we do not require Template Type in the Contributor Portal.)
- Disclaimers: If your template, thumbnail, and/or preview files showcase photos, use the dropdown to indicate whether or not they are included in the template file.
- Releases: Use the .csv to attach releases by inputting the name of the release in the corresponding column.
Step 2: Once you have completed the metadata form for the batch of templates you are uploading, save the form as a .csv file. The Contributor Portal will only accept a .csv file for metadata.
Step 3: Upload the .csv file by clicking on Upload CSV in the Contributor Portal.
Step 4: Click on the Choose a csv file button to select your .csv file and then click Upload.
Step 5: When the CSV has been uploaded successfully, you will see a green banner at the top of the portal. Click on the Refresh to view changes button to apply the metadata to your templates.
Step 6: You should see the metadata apply to all of your templates. Review each area on each template to confirm they are accurate.
Note the following:
- File type: This is auto-detected and cannot be changed.
- Category: You can change this manually using the dropdown directly in the Portal.
- Title: You may also update the title manually in the Portal
- Template Details: This is the only section you may not change manually and must be updated using the CSV upload process. You may also see marks such as "#####" or "*" in this section - do not try to remove these marks as these are expected and required.
- Keywords: You may update these keywords directly in the Portal or select Refresh auto-keywords if you would like automatic recommendations instead.
- Language: By default the language should be set to English however, it's possible it may have changed based on your location (i.e. Spanish if you are located in Spain). You should be able to change this to English and it should remain with that setting for the rest of your submissions. See the image below for a visual of this dropdown menu.
Step 4: Click on the Submit x files button on the upper right.
You're done! Now you can see you're submitted templates in the In review tab.
If your templates have been rejected or flagged with issues you will get a notification and find them in the Reminder or Not accepted sections under Uploaded Files.
Uploading Releases
If your submission includes an image you own with a recognizable person or a property or media, a model or property release on record is required. Model and property releases, when needed, should be uploaded and stored through the Contributor Portal.
For more information on uploading releases to the Contributor Portal, see How to Upload a Release.
Not Accepted Files
All submissions that are not accepted can be seen with a refusal reason in the Contributor Portal under Uploaded Files in the Not Accepted tab. For further details please review the Rejection Reasons.
Guidelines: 1: Uploading Video Templates | 2: Submission Requirements | 3: Metadata Requirements | 4: Video Templates Categories
Reference: MOGRT Requirements | Ae Requirements | PrPro Requirements | Artist FAQ
Last Updated 10/5/23