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Eudora Middle School #WeAreEMS October 2023 Newsletter

EMS Parent/Teacher Conferences: Oct. 18th 4 pm - 8pm & Oct. 19th 8 am - 8 pm: Please click on the grade level signups below for our Parent/Teacher Conferences. As you select, we ask that families try to keep a one-time slot per student. We know that for some blended families it might be difficult, but if you are able to come together for one meeting, we would greatly appreciate it. We know that sometimes it is not possible and we will try to accommodate that if there are slots available. We just have a lot of families to get in during the time frame that we have. Conferences will be on Wednesday, October 18th from 4 pm-8 pm and Thursday, October 19th from 8 am-8 pm.

Conferences between teachers will be on a 5-minute rotation based on families signed up. You will rotate through your child's teachers based on availability. To make it go smoother, go to the teacher who is next in line instead of just picking a few teachers to see. At the conclusion of the meeting with core teachers, you may go and see MS elective teachers who are available. If you arrive early, we will have you wait in our library. I have also attached a Parent-Teacher Conference Guide to the Middle School. The biggest difference from elementary to middle school is the pace. It is important to establish good rapport and open lines of communication between teachers and families. We appreciate the support that all of you provide and want to make sure we are setting all of our students up for success! Parent-Teacher Conference Guide to the Middle School


EMS Homework Pages

6th Grade Homework - 7th Grade Homework - 8th Grade Homework

Youth Empowerment and Prevention is off and running for this year! We have been celebrating mental health and suicide prevention/awareness during September with some fun activities. We "chalked the walk" in front of the middle school to spread positive messages for all students, and coming up, we are distributing goodie bags for all students and spreading suicide awareness during lunchtime! Come get a ribbon and write a message on our sunshine. There will be lots more to come from our YEP group this year so be on the lookout for various activities!


The first quarter of the school year will officially end on October 13, 2023. Now is a great time to be checking grades and any missing assignments to get things wrapped up for the first quarter. Also, many electives will change after the first quarter. Please check schedules ahead of time and discuss any concerns or questions with me before the start of the second quarter on October 16, 2023.

Next week, the first week of October marks the nationwide Anti-Bullying Awareness campaign. We will be wearing Pink on Thursday, October 5th to promote kindness, respect, peace, and standing up for others. The theme this year is Choose Peace - we have resources listed below if you need to report bullying or other concerning incidents happening in our schools or community.

SOAR teachers have also kicked off our Character Strong lessons this past week. I have included a welcome and introduction letter for families to read about the importance and relevance of our Social-Emotional curriculum. In addition, students are getting registered for their StudentFit Advocate accounts, an additional resource for students to have a daily check-in/reflection and support avenue promoting greater student well-being.

I am here to ensure your student is finding their own individual path to success in middle school. Each kid has unique needs and we want to support their needs in order for them to get the most out of their learning. Please reach out and let me know how we can provide the support your child needs.

Update From The K's - Karla & Kristine

Students - Please remember to read the daily announcements in PowerSchool if you need to leave before SOAR for sports or need to be absent from SOAR for any reason.

Daily announcements are available to parents in PowerSchool as well.

Parents - please remember to make after-school plans with your student in the morning before school starts.

Important Dates

Wednesday, October 11th: Early Release Dismiss at 1:20

Thursday, October 12: LAST DAY OF QUARTER 1

Friday, October 13th: NO SCHOOL - Teacher Workday

Wednesday, October 18th: Parent/Teacher Conferences 4 pm - 8 pm

Thursday, October 19th: Parent/Teacher Conferences 8 am - 8 pm: NO SCHOOL

Friday, October 20th: NO SCHOOL

Friday, November 3rd: NO SCHOOL -TEACHER PD DAY

Stay up to date on all EMS activities by clicking on the link below and adding it to your personal calendar.

These provide passes to all HOME events except League & League Tournaments, KSHSAA Events, Plays, Musicals, and Platinum.

Eudora Community Events

"BEYOND the BELL" Program at the Eudora Rec Center is offered every early release Wednesday. They offer esports, kickball, etc). This program is geared towards middle school students to give them something safe and fun to do after early release. We offer a bus shuttle to the rec center after school as well!


If you have any questions or concerns, please call the office at 785-542-4960, email the office at, or you can contact one of us below

Jeremy Thomas, Principal

Ty Pattison, Assistant Principal/AD

Karla Cleveland, Head Secretary

Kristine Schnebly, Attendance Secretary

Michelle Plegge, Counselor

Caleb Lewis, School Resource Officer

Tina Warren, Nurse

Paige Preheim, School Psychologist

Theresa Gabrielson, Social Worker

Ashley Reynolds, WRAP Therapist
