WOW ARCHIVE 23/24 The third archive!

This is a blog to hi-light some interesting stuff we have noticed this week. It could be very new it might be older, we just thought it was a way to engage with the arts. Hopefully it'll inspire you to explore more. If this week's offering doesn't float your boat, pop back next week, or click on the STRETCH AND CHALLENGE BLOG, for loads of other starting points.

THIS WEEK: 3rd June 2024


Welcome back after half term, we hope you all had a productive time. This week's blog is full of things to see and discover. Its degree show time, so we have added all the local shows and others from universities our students have in the past attended. Most of you will be taken to the Bolton University show this week or next and we have arranged a trip to Manchester Met. and UCLan so hopefully you will get a chance to see plenty of fantastic work, made by the next generation of creatives, who are only a few years older than yourself. Then I have tried to find creative outlets that showcase the connections between an idea and the wider cultural context. How an idea can develop into something bigger and how you can work in the creative industry with all the different roles, in both the behind the scenes TV stuff and the creative practice discussed by Angelou and in We can be Weirdos. Some local success showing that you can make it just like them, you've just got to put the effort in.

THIS WEEK! 20th May 2024


Congratulations to all our Year 13 learners whose scores are now with the exam board, and we await the moderator's visit. We'll see you all for the celebration exhibition once the work is up. For the UAL and Year 1 we continue to ensure we have the best grades possible as your deadlines loom. To help you develop your ideas, we have a great mix of inspiration, relaxation and discovery. Recycling to Mindfulness. Hopefully the rain will break, and you can get out and explore. As always, I will link Creative Tourism as a great starting point for potential exploration and culture but look back over previous Wow's to see if you missed anything. I'll be doing my best to create some art and try and get some out into the world too. Have a great break and we'll see you all safe and sound next week!

Week: 6th May 2024

Enter the full blog here

All the exam work is done in The Expressive Arts. Now time to display and tweek to ensure you all do the best you can! Across college the rest of you are preparing to begin or to complete those precious last few hours before you can continue with the rest of your life. Exciting times. With that in mind, I have some more calming activities. Some creative insight, recommended to you by a peer, a Boltonian fashion mogul and community thinker, a couple of cool TV and Film opportunities and reasons to visit Liverpool and beyond. I hope you enjoy it! Remember, everything is interesting when you look properly!

WOW of the Week! 15th APRIL 2024


We're back after Easter. I hope you all had a restful but productive time. With half a term left for all of you sitting exams it's a time to get organised and work hard. You have a big break after, so make sure you get the most out of that time. I have been visiting galleries and watching creatives across many disciplines. The main point of their success is putting the effort it, if you put yourself out there, you'll give yourself a chance. I've unsuccessfully entered a few competitions, I might not have won, but I have got to speak to people giving me advice as to what to do in the future, so I'll carry on. Over Easter I was lucky enough to go on Holiday and I've used that time to see loads of cool new things to inspire the next phase of my work. Refocusing what I was already doing with a new vigour having seen lots of great work. The WOW this week, continues our Art Craft and Design Year 1 take over. Lots of diversity and something for everyone. I hope you enjoy the ideas.

THIS WEEK: 29.01.24


This week The Fine Art class have taken over the recommendations. Full of Animation and bright colours. Does it reflect them as individuals or as a group. Some local interest which elements of the Stop Motion films made in Manchester as Cosgrove Hall. Artists taking risks and using physics and gravity to make his huge work. The outcomes full of energy. The animes explore what the world could be, all beautifully animated and a tour de force of world building. We hope you enjoy the selection and support the guys by sharing what you enjoyed with them.

WEEK: 15.01.24



This week the UAL Year 2 class have made the recommendations for you. We wanted to share their experiences. with you. Hopefully you'll enjoy the change of pace, you explore the recommendations of your peers and then start thinking as we roll this out to the rest of the learners in the department over the coming weeks.

WEEK: 08.01.24



This week I have collected a selection of creative endeavors that art inspired by other creative output. Collaboration and risk taking are at the forefront of the practice, to ensure the outcomes are the best they can be. When we spoke to Universities, the two things, they wished all learners were able to do when they joined the course was their ability to share their vision and be able to collaborate. These communication skills are vital to successfully realise your intentions and will allow you to work in all workplaces, regardless of your career path.. Even if your personal practice is very individual, to be successful, unless very lucky, you will need to work with like minded individuals to get your work printed/ published/ shared. In the coming weeks, our year 1 learners will have a chance to develop a banner with Cyanotype, individual ideas can be used to add to the wider reimagining of the Bolton community, so this is a great opportunity to see how the professionals work, before you have to work in a similar way.

As always, the work is varied but exciting, from dance to sculpture, fashion to music... it's endlessly fascinating to see how different creatives respond to their environments to create art. It might not all be for you, but you should have a look to make sure you make an informed decision. I hope you enjoy it!

WEEK: 1st JANUARY 2024



We're back from the hols and ready to go! Year 2 A level students begin the final making stages of their projects. Year 1 have an assessment incoming. UAL are about to start their FMP so we're ready to kick on. Over the hols, I've watched much of the Christmas Specials, however, apart from Ghosts maybe, all are too Christmassy for this New Year addition. Baring all that in mind, I have gone for a selection of cultural nuggets that all you to reflect on the past and make it onto something new and exciting. I have listened to and looked at a whole host of creativity around Mythical beings and folklore. There is something for everyone. It's great to see so much content being produced with this in mind, so I wanted to share some of the things I have found interesting and hopefully you will too. I like how these ancient tales are still so relevant today, with the things they warned against, still be issues today, in many cases. It's wonderful to see young people embracing the culture and making their own lore. From professional Mermaids to Ancient Prehistoric Marine Life. Cartoon adventurers to modern Witches. Something to get you out of your comfort zone and ready for the next stage.

WEEK: 4th December 2023


Quite the week in Manchester for the city and our learners. With deadlines due on Monday for all Year 2 it was great to celebrate some fantastic work produced by the guys that has been unveiled at Trafford Palazzo this week. In other huge reveals, Chanel's Manchester Fashion Show happened. Crazy to think such a huge titan of the fashion world has had their landmark show in a place, many of us will visit most weeks, the Northern Quarter! I've also shared some great opportunities to see Christmas Creativity in Bolton. Our own Market stall in the Market and the numerous evenings of performance and lights around the town. So this week we can be surrounded by creativity. Light Shows and High Fashion! Get out there and be inspired, if nature and Cave People can get creative and one of the most prestigious fashion brands in the world are on your doorstep, you can get that work done and be part of the scene.

WEEK: 13th November 2023



I am beyond excited about a new Andre 3000 album and this week has been the build up to its release. It has arrived today, Friday 17th, and it's quite the departure from what you might have expected. In reference to that I have tried to explore topics that might change your ideas, allow you to challenge yourself or to take creative risks. From the album itself to videos about interesting styles of creating bars in Hip Hop. University fairs to discuss courses that would suit you. Artists that will challenge what you believe is possible in tattooing. Overcoming life's challenges and succeeding and making fantasy world with clay and pencils. Making art that makes you happy has been the centre of a number of recent weeks. Andre 300 repeats that sentiment in his GQ interview. He had to make the album he made as this is what he believed in. Don't worry what people think, as long as you work hard and show why your work is important, people will believe you.

THIS WEEK: 6th November 2023


How did you enjoy remote week? The use of technology in teaching can be used as a great tool. In art, this blog was spawned from a necessity to share practice with the cohort whilst not seeing them face to face. The video demonstrations on all our teams show you how to work. The library of good practice at your fingertips in the Class Materials folders will allow you to see how successful learners developed their ideas. The pandemic also meant many galleries and museums now have much better online access and create content to show the importance of the work on show. You might wonder why we need to do it in college, you might wish we had more of it. Certainly, as you move into work online learning/ working is much more the norm, so it is good practice to get yourself set up with a space to work from home and access the big wide world. Last week we had lots of opportunities and competitions, this week we have a huge range of inspirations and influencers to show how you can be inspired by creatives to create your own content. Enjoy the varied selection, from Grime artists to The Bard himself!

WEEK: 30th October 2023


We're back. The 2nd year Expressive art students have 6 weeks to complete component 1 and the Year 1s are well into the skills portion of the course. I hope you were able to explore the local areas with our recommendations from last term. I hope some of you got further afield. You should have loads of great new ideas to get started. This week I've shared some surprise releases some opportunities for you and some to help your fellow students! Some great TV and Film so you can stop doom scrolling all the horrendous stuff that is going on in the world. We hope you'll find a bit of headspace in the selection I've put together.

THIS WEEK: 16th October 2023


As we make it to the first half term, I have put together a quick selection of links that will allow you to access a huge range of creative opportunities. It's half term, it's important you use your time to do interesting things that will inspire you next term and beyond. As we approach UCAS applications, University and job interviews it is important that you are doing things above and beyond your class work. You will be expected to be interested inthe arts as a whole. You don't have to like everything you see and do but it is good to experience it and have an opinion. Universities and careers are looking for what makes you stand out from the crowd. What makes you interesting? Why should they pick you over another person with the same qualifications? If you give yourself the chance to share your cultured lifestyle this will be a great step. So don't waste the week, use it to learn new things, visit new places and discover exciting opportunities.

WEEK: 9th October 2023


This week we've had some big news in college, as you know. We continue to share great practise and opportunities so you can see all the different ways you can make it in the creative industries. Whether that be a star in your own right or part of a team making great work in the area you study. We are aware not all the topics we share will be universally popular but we hope you will be curious enough to explore and discover new things. Maybe seeing how a film maker's work could inspire a piece of music, or the themes of an artist's paintings might inspire a piece of media. Being open to possibilities is a huge part of creativity, as well as being able to take onboard different approaches and incorporate them into your own practise. Lots of opportunities to enter competitions or take part in courses are shared, are you making the most of it? Remember UCAS and employers want to know what else you do as well as your college work, so get in the habit of getting involved and being interested. It can be hard to get to museums or to meet creatives. However, it's easy to read articles and watch YouTube clips in the meantime, you are in a great position to be able to access the world from your phone, use it purposefully. This week we have films, careers, Documentaries and Political art that is also beautiful to look at. I have explored previous themes in more detail to hilight areas that might interest you.

WEEK: 2nd October 2023



October is Black History Month. Therefore, I will be sharing a wide range of creatives to continue to champion and share all the incredible work being produced. The video showcases the next generation of Black Artists who are making sure their stories, which have been so readily ignored in the past, are shared. Using imagery of classical art, at times, and making their own vibrant and exciting work. Use this as a starting point for your own research, you can also go back through previous blogs to find all our other suggestions!

Then in the rest of the blog, I have shared a wide range of creatives who are making spectacular visual work, from intricate symmetry to giant flags made from polluting gas to portal to another world. Really exciting stuff. Following Monday's excellent Exhibition we wanted to keep the momentum up inspiring you to continue to produce incredible art whatever the medium. There are fun videos about fashion and a guy walking around New York discovering new artists. Sometimes the simple ideas work too.

We hope you enjoy it!

Week: 25th September 2023



There are a lot of opportunities going on in college this week for you creative students. A chance to share your gifts to the world. The Creative Induction Festival starts off the week with everyone getting involved to share the importance of our subjects and show each other and your adults what you have been up to. Last year's was a great spectacle and we hope this year will be better, the tickets have sold out so we hope so. (You can sign in on the day if you miss the tickets) Then an amazing Poetry event, with visiting poets, our own staff and you guys again showing the great things you are capable of. Then we have exhibitions to enter work for and a range of amazing articles and TV to watch. An action packed week and one I hope you all thoroughly enjoy. Good luck to all involved, and those who are not it'd be great to see you supporting your friends and peers.

Week: 11th Sept 2023



Hello all, this week we have spent a lot of time exploring the meanings in work. How work is created and all the different approaches you could take, from video to installation. In Expressive Arts we visited Liverpool to see the Biennial. Hi lights included the Tom Wood exhibition at the Walker, a lesson in determination and commitment to making everyday things beautiful and the selection of work at Tobacco dock explore the slave trade and Liverpool's links to Britain's colonial past.

Rick Rubin stated that the reason we are alive is to express ourselves in the world And creating art might be the most effective and beautiful way of doing that. Art goes beyond language, it's a universal way to send messages between each other.

So true.

We want you to do able to do this in the best way possible, so understanding the people who did it best, before you, is a great way to learn the ways others did it and then find new ways to create your own work. We hope you will be inspired to try new things and show us your worlds and all their weird and wonderful details.

Week: 4th September 2023



The first WOW! of the year. Welcome to the new guys and welcome back to all you grizzled year 2s! Get your Lanyards on an put that chewing gum in the bin! As a brief reintroduction to the blog, this is your weekly guide to all things I have deemed to be interesting this week in the arts. Not just Fine Art but all forms of creativity. Over the last three years I have strived to represent you all and try and inspire new ideas based on cultural trends or national focus. This year we would like the Cultural context to be much more clear in your work, so you can use the blog should you need to discover something new. The blog is a starting point for your own curiosity, watch a programme and explore the artists they talk about or visit the place they mention. Each week I will offer 5/6 creatives or competitions for you to explore, that should be enough to get you started. So, enjoy the college, it's great to have you on board and I hope you'll find some inspiration here. Please come and find me in Art, or get your subject teacher to email me, should you want to share something with the creative cohort of the college, you can have a feature in another blog!